1982-1983 Academic Catalog
The requirements for the Dean's Honor List are as follows: 1. A student must have a 3. 75 grade point average or higher. 2. A student must have no grade for the quarter lower than a "B." 3. A student must carry a minimum of 12 quarter hours, exclu~ing "CR" hours. Exceptions are made for those enrolled m field experiences or internships granting Credit/No Credit and those who carry at least two courses. 4. A student must complete every course he is taking by the end of the quarter when grades are turned in by the facu.lty. Any grade of "incomplete" will preclude a student's candidacy for the Dean's Honor List. The Dean's List. Published at the end of each regular quarter, the Dean's List is issued with the following requirements: 1. A student must be carrying at least 12 quarter hours, ex~lu~ing "CR" hours. Exceptions are made for those enrolled in field experiences or internships granting Credit/No Credit and those who carry at least two courses. 2. A student must maintain a 3.25 average for the quarter. 3. There must be no "incomplete" in any course. Graduation with Honors. Upon recommendation of the fac– ulty, a student who earns a grade point average o~ 3.50 will be graduated "with honor"; one who earns a grade p01nt average of 3.70 will be graduated "with hi~h honor"; and on~ v.:ho e~rns a grade point average of 3. 85 will be graduated with highest honor." A student must be in residence at least two full years (90 quarter hours) in order to qualify for honors. Alumni Scholarship and Grant Endowment Fund Awards. Supervised by the Alumni Council, an Alumni Scholarship and Grant Endowment fund generates interest which is given as schol– arships in minimum amounts of $500 without regard to financial need. The members of the academic departments involved annu– ally select an outstanding freshman, sop.homore'. or junior stude~t (or, in rare circumstances, an outstandn~g applicant) ~nrolled 1.n their disciplines and deemed most deserving of academic recogni– tion. American Chemical Society Award. The Dayton Chapter of the American Chemical Society presents a one-year membership in the society, including a journal subscription, to an outstanding senior chemistry major selected by the faculty. The Amstutz Management-Sales Award. This endowed an- 35 nual award of at least $200 is granted to a deserving junior major– ing in business and ~as been provided by Mr. and ~rs. Myro.n !3· Amstutz. Selection 1s made by members of the Business Admm1s– tration Department. The Arthur Franklin Williams Award. This annual award of $100 is granted to the graduating senior majoring in the field of Biblical Education. It is determined on the basis of scholastic abil– ity, maturity, character, and spiritual leadership. The facult~ of the Depai1ment of Biblical Education ~akes the annu~l select10n. The Boyd Accounting Award. This $100 award is presented annually on Honors Day to a deserving junior in accounting. A ci– tation is included in the award. The Broadcaster's Award. An annual award is presented to a deserving student majoring in broadcasting. Selection is made by the Speech Department and manager of WCDR-FM. The award consists of a one-year subscription to The Broadcasting Magazine. The Clara Monzelle Milner Award. This annual award for excellence is granted to a dese~ing junior ~ajorin~ in teac~er education. A citation accompanies the $100 pnze. This memorial has been provided by Dr. George S. Milner. Rules of award are determined by the faculty. The Clifford R. Maddox Memorial Award. An annual award of $100 is granted to the graduating senior .wh~ has .the highest average in the Undergraduate Record Exammat10n Field Tests or the GRE Advanced Tests. CRC Press Chemistry Award. The current edition of the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is presented to the student with the highest average for the year in General Chemistry. The Creation Research Award. These awards are presented annually to outstandin~ seniors majoring in b~olo~y, chemistry, mathematics and medical technology. Select10n is made by the faculty of the'Department of Science. T.he award con~ist~ ofmem– bership in the Creation Research Society, a s1;1~scnptlon to t~e Creation Research Society Quarterly, and a certificate of recogni– tion. The Edith Hart Milner Award. This annual award for excel– lence is awarded to a deserving junior majoring in English litera– ture. A citation accompanies the $100 prize. This memorial has been provided by Dr. George S. Milner. Rules of the award are
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