1982-1983 Academic Catalog

A study of the governmental agencies and their effect on Amer– ican business. Case studies and current events are developed to show the trends and status of various laws and regulations. The economic impact and difficulties which arise in managing a busi– ness are reviewed. Prerequisite: 11-231, 11-232, 11-233 Princi- ples of Economics. (Alternate, odd years) 11-319 Calculus for Business - Sp 3 hours The concepts of differential and integral calculus which have found wide application in business and economics. Prerequisite: 71-184 Introduction to Analysis. COMPUTER SCIENCE 11-121 Introduction to Data Processing-A, Sp 3 hours Basic principles and procedures of manual, mechanical, and electronic data processing systems. 11-124 Computer Programming - BASIC -A,W 3 hours Principles of computer programming in BASIC. The course in– troduces computer graphics, word processing, data structures, sorting algorithms, computer games, and computer simulation with business applications in a personal computing environment using microprocessors. 11-221 FORTRAN Programming -A, Sp 4 hours Problem solving is emphasized as algorithms and techniques useful in practical business application are introduced in program– ming arithmetic, logic, and data handling functions. Prerequis– ite: 11-124 Computer Programming- BASIC. 11-224, 11-225 COBOLProgramming-W, Sp 4 hours each quarter The course introduces the basic program structure of a high level programming language as business-oriented programs are prepared and executed. Advanced topics are developed with stress upon more efficient programming techniques, documenta– tion, and structured programming. Prerequisite: 11-124 Com– puter Programming - BASIC. 11-324 System Simulation - W 4 hours Simulation is a problem-solving technique that has its greatest use in the study of models of real systems. The course introduces the principles of simulation and the application of a simulation language to studies of queuing systems, inventory systems, and network analysis. Other applications to managerial planning is discussed, and each student designs and runs a computer model. 53 Prerequisite: 11-211 Quantitative Methods, 11-221 FORTRAN Programming. 11-326 Systems Analysis - Sp 4 hours A study that provides an understanding of the duties of the sys– tems analyst together with an understanding of the specific methods and techniques for conducting a systems project- from the preliminary investigation of the project through the systems implementation and evaluation.Prerequisite: 11-221 FORTRAN Program or 11-224 COBOL Programming. ECONOMICS 11-231, 11-232, 11-233 PrinciplesofEconomics-A, W, Sp 3 hours each quarter A study of fundamental economic principles as an aid in under– standing our free enterprise system. Emphasis is placed upon such economic concepts as production, consumption, exchange, and price distribution. 11-331 Money and Banking - Sp 4 hours A study of the principles ofmoney, credit, and banking; and the operation of the banking system. Prerequisite: 11-231, 11-232, 11-233 Principles of Economics. (Alternate, even years) 11-334 History of Economic Thought - W 4 hours Principal figures in the development of economic ideas, and the contribution of each period of economnic thought from the mer– cantilist to the present. Prerequisite: 11-231, 11-232, 11-233 Principles of Economics. MANAGEMENT 11-251 Principles of Organization and Management-A, W 4 hours An examination of the policies, principles, practices, and prob– lems involved in the organization and management of business concerns. 11-252 Human Relations Management - W 4 hours A course dealing with organizational behavior. Focus is upon leadership and the manager's role in developing a sound be– havioral climate in an organization. 11-351 Small Business Management - Sp 4 hours A course dealing with the problems involved in establishing and managing a small business. Financial organization, services, and problems are analyzed. Prerequisite: 11-102 Principles of