1982-1983 Academic Catalog

62 41-360 Clinical Teaching in Spanish ........ . 41-372,41-373 Masterpieces of Spanish Literature 41-461 Advanced Spanish Grammar . . ..... . Spanish electives .................... . SPEECH (51) 81-110 Fundamentals of Speech 81-123 Voice and Diction . . . . 81-200 Persuasive Theory .... 81-210 Advanced Public Speaking 81-212 Argumentation and Debate 81-223 Group Discussion ..... . 81-224 Interpersonal Communication 81-232 Theories of Mass Media .. 81-241 Fundamentals of Oral Interpretation 81-243 Principles of Acting ..... 81-343 Principles of Play Directing 81-360 Teaching Speech ..... . 81-411 History of Public Address DEPARTMENTAL COURSES 1-3 hours .8 .5 11 .5 .3 .5 .5 . 4 .3 .3 .5 .5 . 3 .4 .2 .5 31-100, 101 Introduction to Education 4 hours An introduction to the major concepts of schooling along with an extensive field experience in area schools. 31-102 Education of Exceptional Children 2 hours Characteristics of the mentally gifted, emotionally disturbed, mentally retarded, physically handicapped, and learning dis– abled. How the needs of each may be met in regular and special classes will be discussed. 31-182 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 5 hours A course designed to certify that the prospective elementary teacher has mastered the arithmetic skills and concepts currently taught at the elementary school level. Topics covered include: number properties, numeration systems, and informal geometry. Prerequisite: Major in elementary education or permission of in– structor. 31-201 Preliminary Student Involvement 0 Each student arranges five full, consecutive days in a Christian school during which he observes and participates in classroom ac– tivities. A follow-up report is required. 31-230 Arts and Crafts in the Elementary School 3 hourn Philosophy, methods, and materials of art instruction. Em– phasizes creative work, using simple tools and inexpensive mate– rials. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. 31-236 The Leamer and the Leaming Process 5 hours A study of (1) the nature of the learner from a measurement per– spective, (2) the nature of the learning process, including theories of learning, principles of learning, diagnosis of learning needs, measurement and evaluation oflearning, and (3) the interaction of teaching and learning . 31-240 The Christian School 3 hom·s Purposes and practices unique to the Christian school; integrat– ing Christian philosophy and subject matter. Historical develop– ment of Christian schools in the United States with implications for present trends . 31-250 Early Childhood Education 4 hours A consideration of the function of preschool education in the total life of the child including a study of the research and theory of his physical, mental, emotional, and social growth. Discussion of current preschool and primary programs. 31-251 Kindergarten Curriculum and Methods 5 hours A study of purposes, content, methods, and resources for teaching and learning in kindergarten. Field experience included. Prerequisite: 31-250 Early Childhood Education. 31-292 Children's Literature 3 hours A survey of the early history, major types, and modern trends of literature for children from preschool through grade eight. So– cial and personal value of literature is studied. 31-301 Preliminary Student Involvement 1 hour Each student arranges five full, consecutive days in a public or Christian school during which he observes and participates in classroom activities. Follow-up report is required. Prerequisite: 31-201 Preliminary Student Involvement. 31-305 Junior Practicum 5 hours A ten-week field experience required of secondary music and physical education students. The practicum must be completed prior to student teaching and is on a Credit/No Credit basis. Pre– requisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program and Methods of Teaching or Music or Physical Education Methods.