1983-1984 Academic Catalog
71-166 Introduction to Geology-Sp, Su 5 hours An introductory study of earth and its environment, with emphasis on erosion processes, metamorphism, igneous activity, and the structural features of the earth's crust and geologic time. Four lectures per week, laboratory by arrangement. Prerequisite: high school !lec>mt~trv 71-180 to Mathematics-A 5 hours An introduction to mathematical concepts selected from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, scientific notation, graphical representation of data, the metric system, and other mathematical systems. 71-185 Introduction to - W, Sp 5 hours each quarter A general introduction to modem methods of analysis, includ– ing topics from algebra and trigonometry. The course is designed for students with inadequate preparation for calculus. Prerequi– sfre: Two years of high school mathematics or permission of in– structor. 71-200 Environmental Biology Sp 5 hours An integrated study of the Scriptural and ecological principles which provide a basis for Christian stewardship of the environ– ment and its biological and physical resources, with specific ap– plications to current global, national, and community environ– mental concerns. Laboratory field trips to aquatic, forest, agricul– tural, and urban ecosystems will emphasize species interrelation– ships, matter-energy-cash flow modeling, human impacts, and proposals for improved stewardship. Three (or four) lectures and one 2-hour (or 3-hour) lab, totaling 6 contact hours per week. Pre– requisite: Three units of high school science or permission of in– structor. 71-220 Origins 5 hours Two models for the origin of the universe, life, and man are de– veloped. The two models, creation and evolution, are examined using available scientific evidence, and predictions based on each model are compared with the scientific evidence. Prerequisite: 71-100 Principles of Biology, 71-160 Introduction to the Physical Sciences or equivalent. 71-264 Introductory -A, Su 5 hours An introductory study designed to impart a general knowledge of concepts, principles, and laws pertaining to a God-created uni- verse, with some emphasis on techniques used to obtain this knowledge. Four lectures per week, laboratory by arrangement including field observations at the college observatory. Pre– requisite: High school geometry or permission of instructor. 71-120 Introduction to 1 hour A three-week course in the use the computer as an educational tool is stressed. Each student learns the basic princi– ples of programming and is required to write several simple pro– grams relating to his or her academic major. Time-sharing facili– ties are available for program debugging and execution. 71-300 Teaching Science and Mathematics 3 hours A general methods course which treats the history, the mate– rials, and the methods of science and mathematics teaching. Em– phasis is placed on recent trends in materials and methods. Pre– requisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. 71-321, 71-323 Clinical in Science or Mathematics 1-3 hours each nn.:11r 1 ~.,..,. A practical on-campus experience in which a student is as– signed to assist a college instructor in preparation for classes and laboratories, classroom and laboratory teaching, grading of re– ports and examinations, and other teacher responsibilities. The student is expected to participate for 22 clock hours for each hour of credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Pro– gram. 71-440 Seminar hour Each student presents a paper from library or laboratory re– search. Approval of the topic by the student's advisor and seminar instructor must be obtained and the date of presentation set before enrolling in the course. The student must also attend a minimum of 10 seminars during the senior year. Guest lecturers and faculty members may present papers at the invitation of the instructor. Required of all science and mathematics majors. Prerequisite: Senior classification and attendance of a minimum of 10 seminars during the sophomore and junior years.
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