1983-1984 Academic Catalog
with emphasis on embryonic development of vertebrates, includ– ing the human. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: 71-115 General Zoology. (Alternate, odd years) 71-336 Physiology 5 hours A study of the unique physiological processes of plant life. These include plant and soil-water relationships, mineral nutri– tion, photosynthesis, and mechanisms that enable plants to coor– dinate their growth and development in response to environmen– tal stimuli. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: 71-134 General Botany and 71-353 Organic Chemistry. 71-340 Topics Environmental 5-16 Includes a selection of courses at the AuSable Trails In- stitute. All courses emphasize Christian stewardship of creational resources and are taught by faculty of various evangelical Chris– tian colleges. Students may choose from four course sec1uenct~s which, if completed in addition to requirements for major, will earn certification in one of the following areas signed to prepare students for employment or graduate Interpretive Naturalist, (2) Water Resource Analyst, (3) and (4) Environmental Analyst. mc1e04maent Study ln<1et:~nde1at experimental study ,..,.. ,"'''""n,..,. a particular biologi- cal phenomenon. Submission and approval research proposal must registration. Prerequisite: in biology and ve1mI11ss1ton of advisor. KairUa1:ton Hi(J~IOI!~ - Sp - The effects of ionizing radiation on biological cuctPn-.c methods of using radioisotopes. lntrocmc:trn-:v AAL~~•VLMAL tion physics and dosimetry is included. The 1aoonLt01-:v introduce the student to basic instrumentation and tec:nn1011es the safe handling of radioisotopes. The course may be either a biology or a chemistry major. Three lectures hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: One of chi::mistl-y one course in biology, one course in m:ittniemaucs. (Alternate, odd years) each nn~r1tiPr Fundamental facts and principles of chemisty. Quantitative techniques are stressed in the laboratory during the first two quar– ters. Laboratory emphasis is on qualitative analysis during the third Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Pritnciipl~es of A 5 hours For non-science majors, an to atomic structure, ionic and covalent bonding, stoichiometry, kinetic theory, solu– tions and equilibria, and nuclear chemistry. Four lectures and one 3-hour lab week. 71-155 -W 5 hours A beginning study organic for non-science The content includes a study of the nature, properties, and bo111C11~ng of organic compounds. Four lectures and one 3-hour lab rrereG1wsue :· 71-154 of Chemistry. 4 hours tecnnLQU:es, and calculations involved in of inorganic substances. latJonu:rn':V per week. Prerequisite: (Alternate, even co1atumattiou of with emphasis on in- strumental analysis. lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite. 71-254 Analysis. even years) A detailed of the general principles, aroma- tics, natural etc. Emphasis is placed on mechanism. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: 71-152 General "'"'H..,LH-<>JU nmcb4::nm,try -- Sp 5 A study of lipids, proteins, and nucleoproteins and their to life and metabolic processes. Four lec- tures and one 3-hour per week. Prerequisite: 71-351 Organic Chemistry. (Alternate, even years)
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