1983-1984 Academic Catalog
program assists Ohio National Guard members who are full time students, at least 17 years old, and enlisted for a period of six years. Up to twelve quarters of instructional and general fees will be paid for the student. After basic and specialty training, guardsmen meet one weekend a month and two weeks during each summer. In addition to the tuition assistance, the time spent on duty is paid according to rank. Both men and women are ac– cepted into this program, and proof of financial need is not a re– quirement. For more information call collect (513) 323-6704 or write to: Ohio National Guard, Educational Opportunities, 2825 W. Granville Rd., Worthington, OH 43085. Two-, three-, and four-year scholarships are avail– able for students who enroll in Army ROTC. These scholarships pay all tuition, fees, and books, plus $100 per month for IO school months per year. Additional information may be obtained by con– tacting the Professor of Military Science, Central State Univer– sity, Wilberforce, OH 45384, or by calling (513) 376-6382 or (513) 376-6279. United States Army National Guard Scholarships, which pay up to $1000 per school year, are available for those who qualify. Additional information pertaining to these scholarships is avail– able from the Professor ofMilitary Science, Central State Univer– sity. Air Force. Air Force ROTC scholarships paying for the cost of tuition, fees, textbooks, and a $100 monthly allowance are avail– able to students who demonstrate academic and leadership poten– tial. Students interested in Air Force ROTC should contact the De– partment of Aerospace Studies, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435, phone: (513) 873-2730. A $1000 scholarship is awarded to the top senior in each Ohio high school. The student is chosen according to his G.P.A. and scores on the ACT, and must attend an eligible Ohio college or university. If the top student chooses not to attend an Ohio institution, the scholarship is awarded to the next highest student in the graduating class. The scholarship is renewable each year providing the student remains full time and is making satis– factory academic progress. One thousand of these scholarships are awarded each year. For more information, contact your high school counselor. This scholarship is awarded to students are the children of deceased or disabled veterans. The student must be enrolled full time and be making satisfactory academic progress. For more in– formation, contact the Ohio Board of Regents, Student Assistant Office, Ohio War Orphans Scholarship, 3600 State Office Tower, 30 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215.
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