1983-1984 Academic Catalog
Special Jllllll•=n..ll•l!..ull.Jl'U'.il.llall Alumni and other people who have a special interest in the growth and progress of Cedarville College have generously do– nated funds to help defray educational expenses of students who have special and exceptional financial needs. These funds, which are listed below, are under the control of the director of financial aid. He will determine who is eligible and the award that will be provided according to specific guidelines for each fund. 1. Mark Baldwin Memorial Fund Established in honor of Mark Baldwin, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Baldwin. Its purpose is to provide aid to stu– dents who, because of physical handicap or socioeconomic conditions, would be prevented from meeting expenses such as books, supplies, transportation, fees, etc. 2. John W. Bickett Fund Established by the Heritage Alumni and named for Reverend John Wilson Bickett who was the first member of the first graduating class in 1897 to receive his diploma. It is the de– sire of alumni to remember the early graduates who helped lay the foundation of the college. The fund is designed to as– sist junior or senior students preparing for pastoral or mis– sionary service and planning to further their education in seminary or language studies. 3. The First Baptist Church of Findlay, Ohio, Scholarship Fund Established to assist students of this church to attend Cedar– ville College. Others may be considered for this award should no qualified students from the church enroll. 4. Peter F. and Anne E. Guenther Scholarship Fund Established in memory of Peter F. Guenther. Funds are available for eligible students who are preparing for full-time service in the Baptist ministry and who have demonstrated financial need. 5. Helping-Hand Endowed Fund Established by Miss Mabel Irvin Walker. Its purpose is to use the interest income for scholarships to be given to de– serving and needy students. 6. Robert L. Hutchinson Memorial Fellowship Fund Established in memory of Robert L. Hutchinson. Its purpose is to provide an annual scholarship to a student preparing for full-time foreign missionary service and who has demon- strated financial need. 7. Ruby Jeremiah Fund Established by the faculty women of Cedarville College in appreciation of the years of loyal and devoted service which the Jeremiahs have given to the college, its students, faculty, and staff. Its purpose is to provide an annual scholarship of $1000 to an eligible woman student selected by the scholar– ship committee. 8. William M. Junk and Frances Smith Junk Endowed Grant Fund Established by Mr. and Mrs. William M. Junk for the pur– pose ofproviding a one-time grant to a freshman student who has sufficient ability to be enrolled and to maintain academic progress according to the standards of Cedarville College. The student must demonstrate exceptional financial need. 9. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Scholarship Fund Established out of concern for enlarging Christian service opportunities. An annual grant will be awarded to one or more students preparing for areas of Christian service and who have demonstrated financial need. I0. Kimberly Kerr Scholarship Fund Established in memory of Kimberly Kerr, class of 1975. This endowed fund provides scholarships to junior or senior nurs– ing students based on demonstrated financial need and scholastic achievement. 11 . Nursing Scholarship Fund Established by Christian nurses of friends of Cedarville Col– lege. Recipients will be selected by the nursing faculty based on need, academic progress, and potential for Christian leadership in nursing. 12. The Pleasant View Baptist Church of Scholarship Fund Established to assist students from this local church. Should no students from the church be enrolled or otherwise not qualified, others may be considered. 13. The Jean Scott Memorial Fund Established by 0. B. Scott in loving memory of his wife of 32 years. Awards will be made to continuing students who are pursuing a course of study with the intent of becoming missionaries. Minimum G. P.A. required for consideration is 2.5.
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