1983-1984 Academic Catalog
Professors: Merlin F. Ager, James R. Biddle, Chairman, Dwayne I. Frank Associate Professors: Omer E. Bonenberger, Helen L. Hall, Beverly S. Monroe Assistant Professors: Sue H. Baker, Charles A. Dillon, Sharon Eimers, E. Ellen Glanville Part-time Faculty: Ron Coriell, Rebecca Walker The Department of Education offers instruction with the purpose of providing distinctively Christian teachers for Christian, public, and missionary schools. The State of Ohio Department of Educa– tion has approved programs leading to the four-year Ohio teach– ing certificate in the following areas: (1) Elementary Education (grades 1-8), specialization is also available in physical education and music; (2) Kindergarten-Elementary Education (grades K-8); (3) Secondary Education (grades 7-12)-teaching fields include biology, bookkeeping-basic business, comprehensive business, chemistry, English, general science, health, history, mathe– matics, music, physical education, physics, political science, sales-communication, comprehensive science, social psycholo– gy, comprehensive social studies, Spanish, and speech; (4) Spe– cial Teaching (grades K-12) in music and physical education. Students completing programs leading to Ohio certification will be able to obtain certification in most states. Those planning to teach in states other than Ohio should consult with the educa– tion department in order to be aware of special requirements and problems in those states where reciprocity has not been estab– lished. Cedarville College's Teacher Education Program is also ap– proved by the Association of Christian Schools International for the preparation of teachers for a ministry in Christian school edu– cation. This special certification is granted upon completion of any of the teaching areas listed above. Students may apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program near the conclusion of their sophomore year, generally the spring quarter. To be admitted, they must meet the following requirements: 1. Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.4 in all courses. 2. Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.4 in teaching field courses. 3. A grade of "C" or above in all communication courses. 4. Pass the English Proficiency Examination. 5. Recommendation of all teaching field advisors and approval of the Teacher Education Committee. 6. Completion of the Zaner Bloser handwriting course (elementary only). 7. Completion of one PSI (Preliminary Student Involvement). 8. Completion of 66-260 Human Growth and Development (elementary only). 9. Completion of 31-100, 31-101 Introduction to Education. 10. Completion of 31-102 Education of Exceptional Children. 11 . Completion of 31-236 The Learner and the Learning Process. 12. Completion of 31-363 Methods and Materials for Elemen– tary Mathematics Teachers (elementary only). Elementary education certification includes grades 1-8. The elementary education certificate may be validated for kindergar– ten upon successful completion of nine quarter hours in kinder– garten methods and materials, and student teaching on the kinder– garten-primary level. Programs in elementary education are also available in physical education and music, enabling one to teach those subjects in grades K-8. Information regarding these programs is available in the Education Office. Courses for th€ Elementary Education Program, in addition to the college's general education requirements, include the follow- ing: 31-230 Arts and Crafts in the Elementary School . . . . 51-370 Music for Elementary Teachers ......... . 61-299 The Teaching of Health and Physical Education .3 .4 .4
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