1983-1984 Academic Catalog

church, giving emphasis to methods and materials. Prerequi– site: 51-351 Philosophy and Administration of Church Music. (Alternate, odd years) 51-354 Hymnology W 5 hours A historical survey of Christian hymnody; consideration of criteria for judging texts and tunes with an emphasis upon their practical use in the worship service. (Alternate, even years) 51-450 Choral Literature Laboratory - Sp 2 hours A reading laboratory for the purpose of surveying and evaluat– ing choral literature for use in the church.(Alternate, odd years) 51-499 Church Music Internship-A, W, Sp, Su 5-15 hours Senior church music majors and minors engage in church music activity in a local church under the supervision of one facul– ty member of the Department of Music. The department deter– mines the number of credit hours that will be given. 51-183 Piano Class-A, W, Sp 1 hour Designed for music majors, minors, and/or the general student who wishes to develop a basic keyboard proficiency. Classes are grouped by present keyboard ability. The class is repeatable as long as the student is working toward his proficiency. Prerequis– ite: Permission of the instructor. 51-185 Voice Class -A, W, Sp 1 hour Majors Designed for the entering freshman level music major who an– ticipates using voice as his major or proficiency performance area. The class meets for two hours each week during the autumn quarter, one hour of class together with private instruction the winter and spring quarter. Instruction is devoted to basic vocal technique and beginning repertoire. Prerequisite: Audition. Minors Intended for the general student who wishes to learn the basic essentials of vocal production and to apply them to his own instru- ment toward facility of vocal expression through 51-186 Class-W 2 Continued vocal instruction with an emphasis upon pedagogi– cal techniques developed through laboratory experience. This course is designed for the instrumental major pursuing either sec- ondary music education or the BME degree as well as for non– majors desiring further vocal study. Prerequisite: 51-185 Voice. 51-187 High Brass Methods-A 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance tech- niques of trumpet and French horn_ (Alternate, odd years) 51-188 Low Brass Methods A 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance tech– niques of trombone, baritone, and tuba. (Alternate, even years) 51-191 Woodwind Methods (Single W 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance tech- niques of clarinet, saxophone, and flute. (Alternate, odd years) 51-192 Woodwind Methods Reed) - W 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance tech– niques of oboe and bassoon. (Alternate, even years) 51-193 High String Methods - Sp 2 hours Concentration on violin and viola performance techniques in- cluding both traditional and Suzuki methods. (Alternate, odd years) 51-194 Low String Methods -Sp 2 hours Concentration on the methods and techniques used in playing the cello and string bass. (Alternate, even years) 51-195 Percussion Methods -A 2 hours Concentration in snare drum techniques and an introduction to tympani and tuned percussion methods. (Alternate, odd years) 51-273 Wind and Percussion Methods -Sp 3 hours An overview of the history, pedagogy, and performance tech– niques of all band instruments. This course is required for the vocal major pursuing secondary music education or the BME de– gree and is open to others by permission of the instructor. (Alternate, even 51-370 Music for W, Sp Music literature and teaching aids for children, including basic music theory, development of skills on keyboard and classroom instruments and voice; music in the curriculum; teaching musical concepts. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education or permission of the instructor. Music Teachers A 4 For music majors only. literature and teaching aids for children, including basic music theory, development of skills on keyboard and classroom instruments and voice; music in the cur-