1983-1984 Academic Catalog
riculum; teaching music concepts. Field and clinical experiences are a requirement of this course. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program or permission of the instructor. 51-372 Music for Teachers - W 4 hours The history of and basis for music in the secondary curriculum; administration of the music program; methods of teaching music in large and small groups; sources of materials for instruction. Field and clinical experience are a requirement of this course. Prerequisite: 51-370 Music for Elementary Teachers. 51-373 Vocal Methods - W 5 hours Philosophy, objectives, and techniques of offering vocal in– struction at all levels with emphasis on vocal production, pedagogical approaches, repertoire, and program building. Pre– requisite: Two quarters of 51-185 Voice Class. 51-374 Music in the Middle School-A 3 hours A study of materials, methods of procedure, supervision, and psychological aspects of teaching music in the middle school. Field and clinical experience are a requirement of this course. (Alternate, odd years) 51-377 The Instrumental Teacher-A 3 hours Philosophy, learning processes, organizational problems, and field experience in instrumental teaching throughout the school system. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (Alternate, even years) MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC COURSES 51-100 Orientation-A 1 hour A basic introduction to the department of music, its philoso– phy, programs, and procedures. Required of all freshman music– majors and minors. 51-140 Introduction to the W, Sp, Su 5 hours Consideration of the relationship of music, art, and literature to the dominant cultural, religious, and philosophical trends and their relationship to Christian theism. 51-260 Conducting I-A 3 hours The basic technique of the baton; fundamentals of score read– ing; conducting patterns applied to elements of interpretation, tone, balance, and diction. Prerequisite: Satisfactory perfor– mance on music placement abstract or 51-101 Theory I. 51-362 Conducting II - W 3 hours Development of ability to interpret the larger forms of instru– mental literature and to read from full score. Laboratory experi– ence in conducting college ensembles. For majors only. Pre– requisite: 51-260 Conducting I. 51-363 Conducting III - Sp 3 hours Development of ability to interpret the larger forms of choral literature and to read from full score. Laboratory experience in conducting college ensembles. For majors only. Prerequisite: 51-260 Conducting I. 51-366 Pedagogy - Sp 3 hours Pedagogy in piano, organ, or other major instrument. (Alternate, even years) 51-400 Music Seminar 2-5 hours For music majors. Some typical topics: 16th century counter– point, choral arranging, band arranging, performance practices. Others as interest demands. Prerequisite: Permission of the Music Department. 51-410 Independent Study in Music-A, W, Sp 1-4 hours Registration may be repeated. Prerequisite: Permission of the Music Department. A. Theory and Composition D. Music Education B. History and Literature E. Applied Music C. Church Music 51-490 Senior Recital-A, W, Sp 0 hours A senior recital is required of all music majors as partial fulfill– ment of degree requirements. The date for the recital and the re– pertoire will be determined by the performance instructor. A reci– tal fee of $50 is charged the quarter the recital is to be performed. MUSIC Private instruction for credit in piano, voice, and orchestral and band instruments is available to all music majors. Students other than music majors will need special approval from the Music De– partment. Private instruction for credit on any instrument avail– able may be arranged with qualified professional teachers for all students in the program. All students studying privately, whether music majors or not, are required to attend all general recitals. They will also perform regularly in student recitals.
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