1984-1985 Academic Catalog
56-101 Introduction to Nursing - A 1 hour Lecturers introduce aspects of nursing education, practice, and re– search. This information is related to the curriculum requirements and career opportunities in nursing. Presentations includ~ discussion o~ p~o fessional ethics and factors which motivate and mfluence Chnstian nurses. 56-201, 56-202 Theoretical and. Technical Foundations of Nursing Process - A 3 hours Lecture in this course includes a brief history of the profession, an overview of conceptual and theoretical approaches to nursing practice, and the current roles of nurses in health care delivery systems. Content includes development of technical skills basic to nursing, learning and applying principles of assessment .us~ng tools as extension of self to gain clinical data. Prerequisites: Admission to the Department of Nursing; completion of all prenursing courses. 56-301 56-302 Maternal and Family Health Nursing-A 9 hours The influence of societal systems (political, economic, social, religi– ous health care) on family life including reproduction; and the counter– infl~ence that pregnancy and the birth of children have ~n families a~d communities are discussed. Potential actions and reactions of family members provide a basis for understanding. how pe~ple ~dapt to cha~gi?g roles within a family. Instruction and practice are given m how to gam n~formation that is required to assess minor disruptions in normal physi– ological and psychological functi.oning of .the mother, the norma~cy of the newborn and health of vanous family members. PrerequlSltes: 56-201, 56-202 Theoretical and Technical Foundations of Nursing Pro– cess. 56-303 56-304 Community Health Nursing - W 9 hours The focus of this course is on health promotion and maintenance for communities and the impact of community on individual, ~amil~, and group health. Study includes the theory and method~ of ep1demio~ogy and systems of health care delivery. Assessment techmques are practiced to enable students to assess the responses of community members to ev~nts that maintain or threaten to disrupt their physiological, psychologi– cal, sociological or spiritual balanc~. Prerequ~sites: 56-201, 56-202 Theoretical and Technical Foundations of Nursmg. 56-305, 56-306 Nursing To Maintain Healthy Intra- and Interpersonal Relationships S . 9 hours Content in this course includes assessment of normal mtemal com– munication (sensation, perception, evaluation of self) and. int~rpersonal communication; processes and resources needed to mamtam normal communication; causes of disruption in communication (drugs, st~c tural deficits, faculty thought processes, inadequate resources). Actions and reactions to crises, stress, grief, and death are assessed. Prerequis– ites: 56-303, 56-304 Community Health Nursing. 56-311 Pharmacology - W 4 hours The effects of disease and/or drug interaction on the phar– macodynamics and pharmacokinetics of specific drug categories are em– phasized. Students practice the pharmaceutical calculations encountered in administering nursing care. The problems of over-the-counter drugs and self-medication are discussed. Prerequisites: 56-201, 56-202 Theo– retical and Technical Foundations of Nursing or consent of instructor. 56-313 Patient Education - S 3 hours Principles of teaching are applied to the relationship betw~en pro~es sional care-giver and patient. Strategies are learned for teachmg, settmg goals, and evaluation. Skills are practiced in areas of verbal and nonver– bal communication, perception, and motivation. Prerequisites: 56-201, 56-202 Theoretical and Technical Foundations of Nursing or consent of instructor. 56-315 Nutrition of Individuals and Families -A 3 hours Normal nutrition for individuals of all ages and food consumption pat– terns of families in different cultures are studied in this course. Metabolism of food and nutrient utilization are described in a health pro– motion framework. Modem modes of nutritional therapy are discussed. 56-401, 56-402 Nursing Care of Children and Adults: Acute Physiological Imbalances -A 10 hours Common acute physiological imbalances of children and adults and the health care delivery system (including pharmacological, nursing, and medical care) to restore physiological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual homeostasis are studied in depth. . Content includes response patterns of children versus adults to acute illness and the unique resources needed by each to restore health. Plan– ning, interventions, and evaluation components are emphasized as the nursing process is applied in hospital settings. Prerequisites: 56-~05, 56-306 Nursing to Maintain Healthy Intra- and Interpersonal Relation– ships; 56-315 Nutrition of Individuals and Families. 56-403, 56-404 Nursing Care of Children and Adults: Intermittent-Permanent Physiological Imbalances - W 10 hours An indepth analysis is presented of the common intermittent-perma– nent, physiological imbalances o~ children and adu~ts and the hea~th care delivery system (including nursmg, pharmacological, and medical re– sources) needed to restore a health balance. Study includes resp?nse J?at– tems of children, families, and adults to chronic illness and physical disa– bility and the unique resources needed by each to maintain or improve
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