1984-1985 Academic Catalog

22 clock hours for each hour of credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. 71 ~440 Seminar 1 hour Each student presents a paper from library or labo~ator~ research. 1 \p– proval of the topic by the student's .advisor and semma_r m~tructor must be obtained and the date of presentat10n set before e.nrollmg ~n the cour~e. The student must also attend a minimum of 10 semmars dunng the semor year. Guest lecturers and fac~lty member~ may present papers.at the ~nvi­ tation of the instructor. Reqmred of all science and mathematics maJors. Prerequisite: Senior classification and attendance of a minimum of 1 O seminars during the sophomore and junior years. 71=114 Introduction to Biology - A 5 hours Structure and function of plant and animal cells with emphasis on cen– tral concepts. This is the first biology course for majors; it may be ~aken by others with good preparation in high school biology and chemistry. Four lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. 71=115 General Zoology- W 5 hours A survey of the animal kingdom and of zoological principles, with an introduction to anatomy, physiology, and classification. Three lectu_res and two 2-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: 71-114 Jntroduct10n to Biology. 71-134 General Botany - A . . 5 .hours A study of basic functions and structures of plants begmnmg with the algae and fungi and finishing with the flowering. plants. The methodol– ogy and techniques of plant science are e~~has1zed. Four lectur~s and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prert.?qu1STte: 71-114 Introduct10n to Biology. 71-200 Environmental Biology - Sp 5 hours An integrated study of the Scriptural a~d ecological .principles whi~h provide a basis for Christian stewar?ship o~ .the eny1ro.nment and its biological and physical resources, with specific apphcations to current global, national, and communi.ty environmental concerns. Lab~ratory field trips to aquatic, forest, agncultural, and urban ecosystems will ~m­ phasize species interrelationships.' matter-energy-cas~ flow_ modelmg, human impacts, and proposals for improved ste~ardsh1p. Three (or four) lectures and one 2-hour (or 3-hour) lab, totalmg 6 contact liours per week. Prerequisite: Biology majors, 71-115 General Zoology and 71-134 General 71~212 5 hours A survey of representative invertebrates to incl~de morphology and r~lations. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratones per week. Prereqw– site: 71-115 General Zoology. (Alternate, even years) 71-21.3 Vertebrate Zoology- 5 hours A study of the various vertebrate groups, with emphasis upon verte– brate anatomy. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: 71-115 General Zoology. (Alternate, even years) 71-216, 71-217 Human Anafomy and Physiology W, S 5 hours each quarter A survey of the principal systems of the human body with emphasis on both structure and function. 71-216 includes a review of basic biology plus the skeletal, muscular, and nervous system. 71-217 includes the en– docrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, and reproduc– tion system. Four lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. Pre– requisite: 71-100 Principles of Biology or equivalent. 71-235 Plant Anatomy- W 5 hours Plant cells, tissues, and organs are studied in detail. Attention is given to microtechnique including the killing, fixing, embedding, sectioning, staining, and mounting of tissues. Three lectures and two 3-hour labora– tories per week. Prerequisite: 71-134 General Botany. (Alternate, odd years) 71-236 of Seed Plants Sp 5 hours The study includes the classification of the flowering plant, with some time given to the history of classification and the various systems by which the angiosperms have been catalogued. Each studen~ makes a col– lection of plants. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratones per week. Prerequisite: 71-134 General Botany. (Alternate, even years) 71-238 Intrnductory - W 5 hours A study of plant microorganisms viruses and their relationship to man's economy and hygiene. Basic laboratory techniques are stressed. Three lectures and three 2-hour laboratories per week. Prerequishe: 71- 114 Introduction to Biology and 71-151 General Chemistry. 71-305 Practicum -Sp 2 hours A study of structure and functions of ecosystems with emphasis upon methods of ecosystem analysis. Supervised field studies will pro– vide practical experience in examining ecological relationships in our man-dominated rural and urban environment. One lecture and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: 71-200 Environmental Biology. 71-306 Genetics - A 5 hours A study of the principles of heredity and their application to plai:it, ani– mal, and human life. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratones per week. Prerequisite: 71-114 Introduction to Biology and 71-184 Intro– duction to Analysis. 71=311 Vertebrate Embryology 5 hours A study of the initiation and development of tissues and organs with emphasis on embryonic development of vertebrates, including the