1984-1985 Academic Catalog
Professor: Clifford W. Fawcett, Chairman Associate Professor: James E. Seaman Assistant Professors: Richard E. Baldwin, Marinus Hazen, Martha J. Johnson, Anne R. Rich, Galen P. Smith, Sarah H. Smith, Ronald J. Walker Instructors: Betsy L. Kempf, Debra L. Brown Part-time Faculty: Kenneth H. St. Clair, Rodney Wyse The Department of Business Administration has as its primary objective the development of qualified business professionals. This objective is met by ensuring a knowledge of basic business functions, by providing the foundation for continuing self-de– velopment, by educating students to be aware of the businessper– son' s responsibilities in the political, social, and economic order of society, and by increasing the student's capacity for adjustment to the rapidly changing conditions in the business world. The department consists of the fields of accounting, general business, computer information systems, economics, finance, management, marketing, and secretarial administration. The department is designed to afford the prospective business person a high quality program taught by dedicated Christian pro– fessors. The majors in business administration are based upon a balanced program for graduate study in business, careers in busi– ness, and in church financial leadership. Certification for teach– ing business subjects in the secondary schools is available in sev– eral fields. 11Jr.n..nr1......,,.... of General Education requirements: Biblical Education* Communication . . Humanities . . . . . . Physical Education . . Science and Mathematics including 71-184 Introduction to Analysis . Social Science . . . . . . . . . . Foreign language requirement** . . . . . . . . 24 15 15 . 3 15 14 86 . . 0-15 Business Administration: Core requirements Area of Special Emphasis Business electives . . . . 66-160 General Psychology General Electives 54 16-26 0-10 5 85 ... 6-21 192 *Advanced Biblical studies courses can be substituted if the student has sufficient background. **The language requirement may be met by satisfactorily completing the third quarter ofa first year foreign language at the college level, or two years of the same foreign language in high school. Business Administration Core Rc:~auiir4ements Fifty-four quarter hours including: 11-101, 11-102 Principles of Accounting 1 O 11-121 Introduction to Data Processing . 3 11-211, 11-212 Quantitative Methods . . . 8 11-216 Business Communications . . . . . 3 11-231, 11-232 Principles of Economics . 8 11-251 Principles of Organization and Management . 4 11-261 Principles of Marketing . 4 11-311 Business Law . . . . 4 11-371 Business Finance . . . . . 4 11-442 Business Seminar . . . 3 11-451 Management Problems and Policies . . 3 Rc:~<1u1ir1em1ents for a in Ac:counttiIU! Eighty quarter hours including: Business administration core requirements . 11-201, 11-202 Intermediate Accounting 11-301 Advanced Accounting 11-302 Federal Income Taxes 11-303 Cost Accounting 11-304 Auditing ....... . 54 .8 .4 .4 .5 5
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