1984-1985 Academic Catalog

11-101, 11-102 Principles of Accounting-A, W, Sp 5 hours each quarter An introduction to the accounting for sole proprietorships, partner– ships, and corporations. Topics include basic bookkeeping procedures, preparation and use of financial statements, management accounting, taxes, and payroll. 11-105 Accounting Fundamentals- W 3 hours An introductory accounting course for two-year secretarial students and nonbusiness majors. No previous accounting knowledge is neces– sary. This course does not count toward the business administration major. 11-201, 11-202 Intermediate Accounting-A, W 4 hours each quarter Review of fundamentals, basic accounting theory, and practice of the financial statements. Development of the ability to analyze accounting problems and present clear, supportable solutions is stressed. Prerequi– site: 11-102 Principles of Accounting 11-301 Advanced Accounting- Sp 4 hours A study of consolidated financial statements, foreign exchange, es– tates and trusts, branch accounting, and related problems. Prerequisite: 11-202 Intermediate Accounting. 11 -302 Federal Income Taxes - A hours Proper preparation of federal income tax returns for individuals, part– nerships, and corporations. Ability to do research in this area is stressed. Prerequisite: 11-102 Principles of Accounting. 11 -303 Cost Accounting - A 5 hours Principles of industrial and distribution cost accounting, job order and process cost systems, and standard costs. Prerequisite: 11-102 Princi– ples of Accounting. 11 -304 Auditing - Sp 5 hours A study of auditing standards and related auditing procedures. Topics include evaluation of audit evidence, professional responsibilities, and auditors' reports and opinions. Prerequisite: 11-121 Introduction to Data Processing, 11-202 Intermediate Accounting, 11-212 Quantitative Methods. 11-305 Accounting Information Systems -W 3 hours A study of the flow of infom1ation through the accounting system em– phasizing systems analysis and design, internal controls, and computer applications in the business environment. Prerequisites: 11-102 Princi– ples of Accounting, 11-121 Introduction to Data Processing. 11-306 Fund Accounting - Sp hours Accounting and reporting principles, standards, and procedures appli– cable to not-for-profit organizations. Prerequisite: 11-201 Intermediate Accounting. 11-402 Advanced Accounting Problems - W 4 hours ~ompre~~nsive review of the application of accounting principles, usmg spec1f1c problems and development of approaches to problem solv– ing. Useful as intensive preparation for the C.P.A. examination. Pre– requisite: 11-202 Intermediate Accounting. 11-211, 11-212 Quantitative Methods-A, W, Sp 4 hours each quarter An introduction to quantitative methods used in business decision making. Topics include probability, sampling, estimation regression, correlation, and time-series analysis. 11-216 Business Communications-A, W, Sp 3 hours A preparation for the skill of originating all types of business letters, reports, memoranda, and other media of communication. 11-311, 11-312 Business Law -A, W, Sp 4 hours each quarter A study of contracts, sales, bailments, negotiable instruments, ~gency, employer-employee relationships, partnerships, corporations, msurance, and property. 11-313 Government and Business- W 4 hours A study of the governmental agencies and their effect on American business. Case studies and current events are developed to show the trends and status of various laws and regulations. The economic impact and difficulties which arise in managing a business are reviewed. Prere– quishe: 11-231, 11-232 Principles of Economics. (Alternate, odd years) 11-319 Calculus for Business Sp 3 hours The concepts of differential and integral calculus which have found wide application in business and economics. Prerequisite: 71- 184 Intro– duction to Analysis. 11-340 Independent Study in Business Administration hours Research in problems of accounting, computer information systems, general business, economics, management, marketing, or secretarial sci– ence. Topics in Business 1 -5 hours A variety of courses is covered under this heading on an experimental basis. This allows the department to meet the changing needs of the stu– dents without formally adding or dropping courses on a quarterly basis. 11-345 Business Internship 5-16 hours A work-study program designed for junior and senior business admin– istration majors to receive a variety of job-related experiences in a busi– ness environment. The program is arranged and administered by the business department. 11-391 International Business -A 4 hours A study of the global perspective on all business activity. The impact