1984-1985 Academic Catalog

Keqrnire1ments for Twom Year Secretarial Certificate Pra1>nll"'<!lill1r'I Ninety-six quarter hours including: Bible: 21-101 Old Testament Survey . 5 21-102 New Testament Survey . . . 5 21- Bible electives (2 courses) . . 6 General Education: 41-120 English Grammar and Syntax . 5 41-130 Principles of Composition . 5 81-110 Fundamentals of Speech . 5 66-160 General Psychology . . . . 5 Business Administration: 11-121 Introduction to Data Processing . . . 3 11-251 Principles of Organization and Management . 4 11-261 Principles of Marketing . . 4 11-101 Principles of Accounting . 5 or 11-105 Accounting Fundamentals 11-216 Business Communications 11- Business electives Secretarial Administration: 11-183 Typing III ..... 11-186 Shorthand III . . . 11-187 Word Processing Concepts 11-189 Electronic Calculator Applications 11-281, 11-282 Dictation and Transcription 11-284 Secretarial Procedures . . 11-285 Records Management . . 11-288 Information Processing 11-289 Secretarial Internship . 11- Secretarial electives selected from: 11-180 Keyboarding 11-181 Typing I .. 11-182 Typing II .. 11-184 Shorthand I . 11-185 Shorthand II 11-286 Legal Office Procedures 11-287 Medical Office Procedures 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .2 . 1 .6 .3 .3 .2 2-5 12-15