1984-1985 Academic Catalog

The newly constructed Cedarville College Academic Com– puter Center is designed to serve the entire academic community. Students and faculty are encouraged to use the Center for re– search, writing, and coursework. The Center remains open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Saturday to promote easy ac– cess and extensive use. Students may be assigned an account and password in any class using the system and may seek help from a full-time consultant during the day and student lab assistants on evenings or weekends. A "public" account has also been estab– lished for temporary use by students who may not be taking com– puter-related courses. The Center features two terminal labs, one of which is reserved for advanced students and faculty. Software manuals are avail– able for ready reference as well as Cedarville's own "User's Guide" designed to acquaint the new student with Center rules, facilities, and resources. The Computer Center employs ten to fifteen student lab assis– tants each quarter. Applications are accepted from qualified can– didates at the beginning of each year between terms as needed. Assistants gain experience in aiding other students as well as further developing their skills on the system. Periodic non-credit "short courses" or seminars are offered to students and faculty by Center personnel in the use of statistical packages, word processing, and the VAX/VMS operating sys– tem. Programming courses are taught in the Business Administra– tion and Science and Mathematics Departments. Research methods courses are offered by the Communication Arts, Educa– tion, Psychology, and Social Science Departments. Computer Resources: The Computer Center houses a Digital VAX 111750 computer, RA80 disk and tape drive, TU58 tape drive facility, 16 Digital VT101 terminals, 1QUME, and 1Digital Console terminal. Two Anadex printers are also available for student use. Other terminals are being placed in academic departments. Software presently includes FORTRAN, COBAL, BASIC, MINITAB statistical packages, FINPLAN, and computer games.