1985-1986 Academic Catalog

examinations, and other teacher res;pc1ns1b1hhes. pected to participate for 22 clock hours for p-;,,r-h·or1<>rtPr Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education MJ.-.....-.. ,,m A student may arrange to do one of the tollo"v1n1T of this experience in his or her dH;c11r>h111e: 1. One 22-hour experience for different 2. A 44-hour experience for one quarter and a another quarter. 3. A 66-hour experience for one quarter. 91-470 Prelaw Seminar- 5 Individual projects acclUaLmt legal procedures and re- search in such areas as 91-490 through Prerequisite: Permission of 91-490 History 91-491 Sociology 91-492 Geography 91-493 Political Science 91-499 Social Science mn&;pr:n4:11111n Majors who participate in i!Ove1m11ne111t historical research, public administration, social an1orcwe:d activities related to the social sciences may earn up to 15 The approval of the de- partment is necesary for any or<JD<>Sed i11te1ms:huJ. 91-180 Cultural 5 An analysis of the and its importance for the study of man; an examination of various cultures of the world as they relate to technological, economic, social, and aspects of these cultures. 91-250 Introduction 2 An introductory d1~;cuJlu11e 101 geogntol11v and the major ele- ments of the natural "'"""'""''m'"" 1 on their ef- fect upon man and his activities. 91-251 World Regional (;PoITT·anhv--WIP'liflf'rn Hemi!iphere:- A survey of various world an emphasis on the cultural, economic, in relation to the geo- graphical environment. Introduction to Geo- graphy. 91-252 World Ke!~On1al L~i!'l'a1:thv--Easte1-n Hemlispil1ere the cultural, economic, and political developments in relation to the geo– graphical environment. Prerequisite: 91-250 Introduction to Geography. A 5 hourrs A study of the development of Great Britain as a world power and the contributions which she has made to the dispersion of libertarian ideals and institutions around the world since the eighteenth century. (Alternate M~r>d4~rn Germany -A A composite examination of the course of German unification under Prussia and Germany's rise to the status of a great world power. Em– phasis is given to nineteenth and twentieth century political and intellec- tual movements. (Alternate years) Russia Soviet Union the Twentieth W, even years; Sp, odd years An in-depth analysis of the Soviet Union and its impact upon the con– temporary world. The nature of Russian Communism is examined in de- tail. (Alternate years) 91-112 5 hours each quarter An analysis of the development of United States from the colonial period to the present. Attention is given to the dominant Christian influ– ences that have tended to mold the philosophy and ideology of our cul- tural, and development. 91-120 -A 3 hourrs in the twentieth century. A W, odd years; Sp, even years hours An introduction to the history of historical writing, methods of re– search, and the philosophy of history. Required of history majors and minors. Should be taken in the sophomore 91-201, 91-202, 91-203 of -A, W, Sp 3 hours each quarrter This survey of human history begins at the advent of civilized life in the ancient Near East and continues into the twentieth century. It presents the religious, social, political, and intellectual development of mankind from a Christian interpretive point of view. The three quarters may be taken in 91-220 of East Asia- W 3 hourrs A general survey of the social, economic, and religious his- of China, India, Japan, and Southeast Asia in the twentieth century. Ke:na1ss:ilm:e Europe - W 4 hours A study of the cultural and intellectual movements of Italy and North– ern Europe in the period 1300-1600. Emphasis is given to noted ai1ists