1985-1986 Academic Catalog

91-364 Urban Politics-A 5 hours An examination of the structures, functions, and powers of municipal governments along with an indepth discussion of major socio-economic and political issues associated with local government in America. 91-366 History of Political in America W 4 hours An introduction to the development of American political thought. May count toward both history and political science major. Prerequis- ite: 91-111, 91-112 United States History (Alternate years) 91-460 Seminar in Political Science - Sp 5 hours Students carry out individual research projects dealing with the study of government and politics from a normative and/or an empirical per– spective. 91-461 Political Dynamics -Sp 3 hours An analysis of public opinion, interest groups, political parties, voting behavior; a study of the formation of political attitudes and their impact on the political process. Prerequisite: 91-261 American National Government. (Alternate, even years) 91-462 Public Policy - W 4 hours A focus on decision-making, problem-solving, and methods of pro– gram analysis. Prerequisites: 91-111, 91-112 United States History, 91-161 Introduction to Public Administration, 91-261 American National Government. (Alternate, even years) 91-463 American Constitutional Law - Sp 5 hours An in-depth analysis of some of the classic Supreme Court decisions with their particular relevance to political, social, economic, and spiritual realms of life. 91-465 Government - W 3 hours An examination and comparison of the major European governments, such as those of England, France, and Russia, with that of the United States. (Alternate years) 91-468 History of Political Thought-Ancient - A 3 hours A study of early political theory with special attention to Plato, Aristo– tle, and Augustine. Stress is on the reading and analysis of original texts. (Alternate, odd years) 91-469 History of Political Thought-Modem - Sp 3 hours A historical development of political thought from Machiavelli to the present. An examination of representative contemporary ideas on the na– ture of the state, anarchism, communism, fascism, socialism, conser– vatism, and democracy. (Alternate, even years) 91-230 Principles of Sociology -A 5 hours An introduction to the concepts of sociology. The structure and pro– cesses of social life are studied. 91-240 Marriage and the Family-A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours A study of the scientific knowledge which exists about mate selection, the courtship process, and the adjustment problems of marriage. 91-242 Human Sexuality W 3 hours A study of Biblical content regarding human sexuality and an analysis of contemporary concepts within a framework of Christian thought. 91-270 Methods of Research in Sociology - Sp S hours This course is designed to acquaint the student with the methodology of sociology. Attention is given to the scope and methods of field re– search, questionnaire design, and the scientific method applied to sociological phenomena. (Alternate, even years) 91-272 Family and Society - W 5 hours An examination of marriage and family patterns in various cultures, with emphasis on the relationship of contemporary social movements and the family. 91-273 Social Movements - Sp 4 hours A study of the influence of ideas and institutions upon social move– ments in America. Satisfies general education requirement in history. 91-330 History of Social Work 4 hours A survey of man's efforts to facilitate human development and to ameliorate adverse social conditions through social work. The emphasis is on the relationship of Christianity to the origin of modern reform movements and social work. Prerequisite: 91-230 Principles of Soci– ology. 91-331 Juvenile Delinquency -Sp 4 hours A study and assessment of causal theory and problems of correction and prevention of delinquency. Prerequisite: 91-230 Principles of Sociology. 91-332 Criminology - W 4 hours A study of the nature and causes of crime with emphasis upon methods of prevention and treatment. Prerequisite: 91-230 Principles of Soci– ology. 91-333 Social Stratification - Sp 4 hours A study of the class structure and its implications for American soci- ety. Prerequisite: 91-230 Principles of Sociology. (Alternate years) 91-334 The Sociology of Religion 4 hours The relationship of religion to society, with particular reference to modern society. (Alternate years) 91-372 Social Theory - W 4 hours A historical review of major sociological theorists and a critical exami– nation of their theories from a theistic perspective. 91-373 Social Problems Sp 5 hours A study of selected social problems for the purpose of developing un– derstanding and exploring approaches to the social treatment of these problems within a theistic framework.