1985-1986 Academic Catalog

Students interested in Air Force ROTC should contact the De– partment of Aerospace Studies, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435, phone: (513) 873-2730. Special . . . Alumni and other people who have a special mterest m the growth and progress of Cedarville College have generously do– nated funds to help defray educational expenses of students who have special and exceptional financial needs. These funds, which are listed below, are under the control of the director of financial aid. He will determine who is eligible and the award that will be provided according to specific guidelines for each fund. I . Alumni Scholarship and Grant Endowment Fund The alumni of Cedarville College established this fund to generate interest which is awarded as scholarships to C~dar­ ville College students without regard to demonstrated fman– cial need. 2. Mead C. Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund Established by Mary Armstrong, wife, and their children, in memory of Mead Armstrong, a Christian ~ducator a~d teacher. Awards will be made to students pursumg any maJor in Biblical education and will be based on demonstrated need as determined by the financial aid office. 3. Rudy Bedford Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund Established by the trustees of Cedarville College in memory of Rudy Bedford, trustee emeritus, for the many years of ser– vice to his Lord and to Cedarville College. 4. John W. Bickett Endowed Fund Established by the Heritage Alumni and named for Reverend John Wilson Bickett who was the first memper of the first graduating class in 1897 to receive his diploma. It is the de– sire of alumni to remember the early graduates who helped lay the foundation of the college. Th~ fund is designed to ~s­ sist junior or senior students preparmg for ~astoral o: mi~sionary service and planning to further their educat10n m seminary or language studies. 5. William J. and Nora J. Bolthouse Endowed Scholarship Fund . It is the desire of William and Nora Bolthouse to provide non-repayable assistance first to students from the Ensley Baptist Church of Sand Lake, Michigan, and to students of employees of William Bolthouse F~r~s, Inc. Other st~d~nts may be eligible when the above pnonty has been s~hsf1e.d. All aid awards will be based upon demonstrated fmancial need as determined by the financial aid office. 6. Minor and Bernice Cross Endowed Scholarship Fund Income earned shall be used for scholarships to be awarded to Cedarville College students based on demonstrated finan– cial need and donor stipulations. 7. The First Church of Ohio, Scholarship Fund Established to assist students of this church to attend Cedar– ville College. Others may be considered for this award should no qualified students from the church enroll. 8. Peter F. and Anne E. Guenther Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in memory of Peter F. Guenther. Funds are available for eligible students who are preparing for full-time service in the Baptist ministry and who have demonstrated financial need. 9. Helping-Hand Endowed Fund . Established by Miss Mabel Irvin Walker. Its purpose 1s to use the interest income for scholarships to be given to de– serving and needy students. IO. William and Cora Norman Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund Established by Geraldine Henry in memory of her m?t~er and father. This is an endowed fund for the purpose of aidmg full-time students who can demonstrate financial need and meet donor stipulations. 11 . Harold P. "Howdy" House Endowed Memorial :Sct101~us1tup Fund The income from this fund shall be used as a scholarship awarded annually to a full-time Cedarville College student who can demonstrate financial need and donor stipulations. 12. Robert L. Hutchinson Endowed Memorial Fellowship Fund Established in memory of Robert L. Hutchinson. Its purpose is to provide an annual scholarship to a student preparing for