1985-1986 Academic Catalog

Organizations, Student .. Orientation, New Students Out of Class . . . . Part-time Students Pastoral Emphasis PELLGrant .... Philosophy . . . . Physical Education Physics ..... . Placement Center Political Science . Practical Theology Preagriculture . Predentistry . . Preengineering Prelaw .... Premedicine . . Preoptometry . Preosteopathy . Prepayment Incentive Credit Plan Prepharmacy . . . . . . Preprofessional Preseminary Bible Preveterinary Medicine Probation, Academic Psychology Deoaitment Public Administration Publications, Student Radio Station . . . Reading Program Readmission . . . Recognition, College Refunds, Withdrawal Registration . . . . . . Repeating Courses . . Requirements, Requirements, General Education Reservation '""'ยท''""''" Reserve Officer Room hx1oe11tses 16 13 32 32 48 153 50,51 . 88 . 134 . . 19 139,144 . 52 130 131 130 140 131 131 131 150 131 . 35 . 48 131 . 41 122 141 17 19 36 25 .8 151 38 41 30 29 24 36 149 Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) .... Science and Mathematics Department Secondary Education Program Secretarial Studies ...... . Sessions and Credits . . . . . . Social and Cultural Activities Social Science and History Department Spanish .......... . Sociology ......... . Special Education Program Special Programs of Study Special Students .. . Speech ........ . Standards of Conduct Statistical Information Student Activities Student Aid ..... . Student Costs .... . Student Employment Student Insurance Student Life . . . . . . Student Loans Student Organizations Student Senate . . . . Student Services . . . Student Services Fee Study Abroad Program (SAPOCC) Summer School Suspension, Academic ... Teacher Certification . . . . Teacher Education Program Testing Out Procedure Textbook and Supplies Expenses Theology ..... Three-Pay Plan .. Transfer Students Trustees ... . Tuition .... . Urban Studies 152 . 22 126 . 80 57,63 . 31 . . 15 . 136 97,100 141,145 79 34 32 68 12,161 171 . 15 151 148 155 149 . 12 156 16 . 17 . 15 149 36 37 41 78 78 33 149 . 51 150 25,32 162 148 142