1985-1986 Academic Catalog
4. The maximum number of courses allowed per student shall be in relation to his grade point average, as follows: 2.0-2.49- one course 2. 5-2. 99 two courses 3. 0-3 .49 - four courses 3. 5 and above - six courses 5. Following the end of the fourth week of the quarter, the stu– dent may not change a course from the Credit/No Credit system to the regular program. 6. The student may not change a regularly scheduled class to Credit/No Credit after the first full calendar week of the quarter. 7. A student may choose to receive CR/NC or a letter grade in one quarter hour non-major physical education courses. This choice may be made at the end of the quarter. Ke:peann2 Courses are issued at the end of each quarter. However, first quarter freshmen receive mid-term academic warnings if their grades are "D" or "F." It is the responsibility of each student to discuss his academic achievement with his instructor. Since some freshman students experience difficulty adjusting to the academic life, the college will recompute cumulative grade point averages when a course is repeated as long as the course in which the "D" or "F" was received is repeated before the end of the sophomore year. Academic and ~usp1erns10n Each student is expected to maintain a 2.00 cumulative grade point average. Any student not achieving the 2.00 average will be placed on academic warning as a reminder to make a serious effort to reach the required average. The first-quarter freshman who does not meet the 2.00 average will not receive official warning, in order to provide some time for the student to make an adjustment to college life. A student who has received academic warning for two consecutive quarters shall be suspended for at least one quar- ter unless the student's average indicates progress toward the re– quired average. Consideration for continued enrollment may be made by the academic dean for documented personal illness. Any student not reaching the cumulative grade point average of 2.00 by the end of the third quarter of the sophomore year will be sus– pended. A student suspended for academic reasons may make applica– tion for readmission during a quarter in the regular academic year following the suspension. Faculty members and other counselors are available to discuss student progress. The student in academic difficulty should plan to utilize these personnel to help find solutions to academic prob– lems. Academic warning implies no particular restrictions on college activities, but should be considered as a serious warning that the student faces academic suspension unless grades improve.
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