1985-1986 Academic Catalog

21-361 Educational Work of the Church - A 4 hours The methods of organizing and administering the total educational program of the church. Consideration is given to the educational process, leadership education, and methods of counseling and supervision. 21-362 Church Education of Youth- W 5 hours Emphasis is placed on the characteristics of youth, the understanding of youth's problems, and their implications for the work of the church. Programs, leadership, materials, trends and organization of youth work within and related to the church. 21-365 Audio-Visual Methods- W 3 hours The methods of preparing and using audio-visual materials as aids to teaching including commercial, projected, and non-projected materials. 21-366 Church Education of Adults Sp 4 hours The presentation of the characteristics and needs of the adult, his wor- ship, education, service, and recreation in the church and the home. 21-460 Independent Study in Church Education -A, W, Sp 1-4 hours Opportunity to explore in depth an area or problem by independent re– search in church education. 21-462 Seminar in Church Education W 3 hours Trends and problems of the field are analyzed and defined by indi– vidual research and group conferences. 21-463 Methods of Bible Teaching - Sp 4 hours An experimentation and application in the classroom of various methods of Bible study and teaching. Prerequisite: 21-260 The Induc– tive Method of Bible Study. 21-470 Internship in Church Education 16 hours Ten weeks in a local church·gaining experience in the total educational program of the church, under the supervision of the church education fac– ulty and the pastor and/or director of church education. Prerequisite: Bible faculty approval and 20 hours in church education.