1985-1986 Academic Catalog

the United Stares are studied as to structure, revenue gained, and present . status. Prerequisite: 11-231 Principles of Economics. (Alternate, even years) rPr~1lln!:111 ···~-·------A hours The position of the consumer in the ~arketplace; practice.s in con– sumer efficiency in planning, buying, usmg .schedules, ~udgetm~, ba~ acc:otmt:s, charge accounts, installment buymg, borrowmg, savmg, m– surance, tax preparation, and maintenance and conservatio!l of consumer goods are emphasized. Special attention is giyen to housmg, the automobile, medical and legal services, leisure pursmts, government services, and other major consumer purchases. J.iU!la11c1:<u Management -W 3 hours A of the principles and procedures of the fi~ancial managemei:;it of the local church organization. This course is des1~ned for both b.us1- ness and nonbusiness majors. The topics of financial record keepmg, purchasing, financing, building projects, financial repo.rts, insu~ance, nr1-,....,,•rn1 management, advertising, pastor's salary, pensions, social se– n~·-~···,_,, investment, and church organization are treated. Principles 4 hours Fundamental principles and theories of real estate including the law of licensing, regulations regarding advertising, fin~cing, settlements, codes of ethics, and the market cycle. Factors affectmg real estate ~uch as urban land economics, city planning, urban development regulations of land use, principles of value and real estate evaluation, ownership, na– ture and classification ofland, management of property, law, and market are examined. Estate Law - hours of real estate as they pertain to the.J.~le, purchase, and real property. Titles, deeds, restricti9ii~,. agr~ements of mortgages, liabilities for injuries, brokerage law, and JUdgme~ts and are also examined. The student studies Ohio real estate law, m– cluding rights incident to property ownership and manage~ent, agency contracts, and application to real estate transfer conveyancmg, probate proceedings, trust deeds, and foreclosure, general rea! estate forms, as well as recent legislation governing real estate transact10ns. (Alternate, even years) nuism1ess Finance -A, W, Sp 4 hours A study of the practical and theoretical aspects of financial decision making. Topics include cost of capital, capital structure, management of current assets, capital budgeting, sources of funds, and statement analy- sis. Prerequisite: 11-102 Principles of Accounting and 11-212 Quantita– tive Methods . 11-373 Investments-A hours A study of the various types of investments including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commercial, paper, options, and commodities. Particular emphasis is given to return and risk in developing investment strategies. Prerequisite: 11-371 Business Finance. 11-375 Financial Institutions Sp 4 hours An integrated and comprehensive analysis of financial markets and in– stitutions emphasizing financial intermediaries and their operation in the markets. Prerequisite: 11-371 Business Finance. 11-377 Investments and Management - W hours The theory and practice security analysis techniques and portfolio management objectives. Prerequisite: 11-373 Investments. 11-379 Problems in Business Finance - A hours Case study of financial management in business enterprises. Plani:;iing current and long-run financial needs, profit planning, fund allocatmg, fund raising, divided policies, expansion, and combination. Prerequi– site: 11-371 Business Finance. 11-251 W, S 4 hours An examination of the policies, principles, practices, and problems in– volved in the organization and management of business concerns. 11-253 Organizational Behavior-A hou~s A study of the impact of human behavior within and upon the orgam– zational structure. Emphasis is given to behavior as related to employ– ment, absenteeism, employee turnover, productivity, human perform– mance, and management. Prerequisite: 11-251 Principles of Organiza– tion and Management. 11-351 Small Business Management - Sp 4 hours A course dealing with the problems involved in establishing and man– aging a small business. Financial organization, services, and problems are analyzed. Prerequisite: 11-102 Principles of Accm1nti~g, .11-251 Principles of Organization and Management, and 11-261 Pnnc1ples of Marketing. 11-352 Production Management - W hours A study of how manufacturing, planning, inventory ai:ialysis, mak_e or buy orders, purchasing, equipment analysis, production scheduh~g, quality control, and cost control relate to production. Modem pro?u~t1on management techniques are introduced. Prerequisite: 11-102 Principles