1985-1986 Academic Catalog

of Accounting, 11-212 Quantitative Methods, and 11-251 Principles of Organization and Management. 11-353 Personnel Management - Sp 4 hours An analysis of the principal functions, processes, and problems in– volved in the management of personnel policies; selection, training, pro– motion, and discharge of personnel; labor turnover, safety, health, and recreation. Prerequisite: 11-251 Principles of Organization and Manage– ment. 11-354 Management Science - Sp 4 hours An introduction to linear programming, transportation and assignment problems, network flow problems, and inventory systems. The linear programming, transportation and assignment, network flow, and inven– tory models are solved and their use demonstrated by various applica– tions. Prerequisite: 11-212 Quantitative Methods. (Alternate, even years) 11-451 Management Problems and Policies -A, W, Sp 3 hours Methods of modern management as applied to industrial and business enterprises. Concepts as applied to business situations and use of the case and problem approach to stimulate the student's thinking into areas of planning and control, staffing, executing, and appraising. The responsi– bilities of business enterprise toward both their own personnel and the people they serve. Open only to seniors in business administration. 11-261 Principles of Marketing -A, W, Sp 4 hours A survey of distribution functions, middlemen and channels of trade, competition, price policies, market planning, market research, and con– sumer problems. 11-263 Principles of Advertising- W 4 hours Principles and procedures in modern advertising including analysis of products, buyer attitudes, media, layout, and copy. Prerequisite: 11-261 Principles of Marketing. 11-361 Sales Management - W 4 hours Techniques, principles, and practices in personal selling, and a discus– sion of the principles of organization, supervision, and control of the sell– ing function. Prerequisites: 11-251 Principles of Organization and Management, 11-261 Principles of Marketing. (Alternate, odd years) 11-362 Marketing - Sp 4 hours Factors involved in the management of the marketing function relative to product development, promotion, pricing, physical distribution, and the determination of marketing objectives within the framework of the marketing system and available markets. Prerequisites: 11-251 Princi– ples of Organization and Management, 11-261 Principles of Marketing. (Alternate, even years) 11-363 Marketing Research - Sp 4 hours The techniques for gathering and appraising information needed in marketing, planning, and control are examined - especially the de– velopment of primary marketing data through survey and observation. Prerequisites: 11-261 Principles of Marketing, 11-211, 11-211 Quantitative Methods. 11-365 Consumer Behavior -A 4 hours Consumer decision-making processes and the psychological, sociological and cultural factor influencing them are studied. Applicable theory, research findings, and concepts provided from other disciplines are examined. Prerequisite: 11-261 Principles of Marketing. 11-367 Industrial Marketing - Sp 4 hours A study of the industrial market sector which includes buying be– havior, applied demand analysis, and segmentation techniques. A framework for understanding the industrial strategy development pro– vides the student with decision-making capabilities for use in the indus– trial setting. Prerequisite: 11-261 Principles of Marketing. (Alternate, odd years) 11-368 Personal Selling 4 hours An analysis of the dynamics of selling, including prospecting, client analysis, demonstrations, visual presentations, and follow-up. Pre– requisite: Principles of Marketing.