1985-1986 Academic Catalog
81-200 Persuasive Theory W 5 hours Methods of applying contemporary communication theories on at– titudes, involvement, and change are combined with classical positions on the principles and methods of persuasive communications. Attention is given to the study, analysis, and delivery of persuasive speeches in a free society. The student is given background in the rhetorical criticism of logical, emotional, and ethical proofs. Interpersonal communications problems, methods, and theories are considered. 81-205 Philosophy of Communication 3 hours The epistemology of communication is the focus of a study of histori– cal rhetorical theory and criticism. The course is designed as a founda- tional course in the study of speech. 81-210 Public w 5 Built on the premise that are an essential part of thinking, relat- ing, and influencing, this course encourages investigation and practice of how words and ideas work in public communication situations. The vari– ables of speaker, message, and audience are considered for purposes of the major and non-major. 81-212 Argumentation and Debate-A 4 A study of principles and practices of debate, the course includes an overview of typical questions used in intercollegiate debate as well as the theory involved in logical preparation and refutation of a case. 81-222 Research in Communications-A Forms and methodology for research writing in communication are studied using empirical, historical-critical, and specialized formats. The course is required for majors choosing a research project. 81-223 Group Discussion W 3 hours Group interaction and principles of directing effective groups are studied in an attempt to develop individual understandings of group pro– cesses. The different aims of discussion situations are emphasized. 81-224 Interpersonal Communication -Sp 3 hours The course centers on the nature and function of interpersonal com– munication as it operates within casual encounters, families, organiza– tions, and institutions. Implications for personal, social, and profes– sional growth will be considered. 81-225 Interviewing W 3 hours This course focuses on the study of fundamental interviewing princi– ples. Instruction and training are offered across a variety of interviewing situations, including informational, employment, and persuasive inter– views. 81-230 Broadcast Clinic-A, W, Sp 2 hours An attempt to combine communication theory with practice, broadcast clinic provides the student with experience in a broadcasting laboratory. The student is trained in the diverse areas of broadcasting, including pro- course is re1::ie<ttaible mum of troduction to Hroai'.lc;:1st1tn~ u ·-"'·"'"''- 81-231 A volves in theories and techniques dramatic literature. 81-243 Study in the pnnc1pal is balanced with practice of stage a.nd voice. Princiipl(~S and emo- tional response on stage are taught, along characteristics of vari-
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