1985-1986 Academic Catalog
31-340 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities 5 hours An overview of the causes and effects ofmental retardation and related developmental disabilities in home, school, and community settings. 31-341 Leaming Disabilities and Behavior Disorders 5 hours An overview of the specific problems of and major remedial ap– proaches to children with learning disabilities and behavior disorders. 31-342 Intrnduction to the Emotionally Disturbed 5 hours A survey of causes and symptoms of emotional disturbance. Teacher awareness and teaching techniques for dealing with the emotionally han– dicapped student. 31-343 Intrnduction to Survey of physiological guage disorders. 31-415 Ad1ministr·atn12 Language Disorders 3 psychological causes of speech and Ian- Education in the Christian School hours An analysis of the administrative concerns and techniques of adminis– trating special education programs in the Christian school. Program or– ganization, budgeting, classroom and resource needs, discipline, student placement, and interschool concerns are reviewed. 31-416 Curriculum Writing for the in Consideration of factors involved in planning, layout, and develop– ment of Sunday school and Christian school curricula. 31-418 Methods with the Mentally Retarded Developmentally hours An exploration of methods and techniques of counseling adapted to the special circumstances. Similarities and differences to usual counseling practices analyzed. Prerequisite: 31-340 Mental Retardation and De– velopmental Disabilities. Pre:SditOOI Mii:~nt~llly Keltanled Child m the Home 3 A survey of training methods available to parents. Specific self-help skills presented. Prerequisite: 31-340 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. 31-421 the 5 hours A study of the materials, and resources needed for the effective instruction of EMR and children. Field experience in a participant-ob- server program is included. Prerequisite: 31-340 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. 31-423 Methods the ~e,rer11:~liy-1t"ro110111ndJIY JK.eta.ra.11:~ An analysis of the learning abilities of the severely-profoundly retarded. Strategies for teaching self-help skills, basic academics, vocational skills, and maintenance skills explored and developed. Prerequisite: 31-340 Men– tal Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. oc~1tionall. Training 5 Philosophy, methods, materials, and facilities needed to initiate and main– tain vocational programs for secondary schools. Sheltered workshops, com– munity job placements, and school planning are explored. Prerequisite: 31- 340 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. Methods Experience in the actual care of the mentally retarded in their residential setting. Must be taken at Shepherds.
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