1986-1987 Academic Catalog

122 56-305, 56-306 Nursing To Maintain Healthy Intra- and Interpersonal Relationships - Sp 9 hours Content includes assessment of normal intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships throughout the life span. Discussion focuses on the resc_iurces needed t~ m.ai?tain h_ealthy communication. The impact or societal systems on 10d1v1dual, family, and/or community adaptation to stressors is evaluated. Prerequisites: 56-303, 56-304 Community Health Nursing. 56-311 Pharmacology - Sp 4 hours This course focuses on the major drug categories, emphasizing the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, major side effects and nursing im~lications., The_usual and idiosyncratic impact of drug therapy upon vanous phys1olog1cal states across the life span are studied. Prerequis– ites: Prenursing sciences. 56-313 Patient Education - W 3 hours . Principles .of teachin~ are applied. to the relationship between profes– s10nal care-giver and chent. Strategies are learned for teaching, setting goals, and evaluation. Skills are practiced in areas of verbal and nonver– bal communication, perception, and motivation. Prerequisites: 56-201, 56-202 Theoretical and Technical Foundations of Nursing or consent of mstructor. 56-315 Nutrition of Individuals and Families -A 3 hourn Normal nut~·ition for individuals of all ages and food consumption pat– terns of fam1hes 1n different cultures are studied in this course. Metabolism of food and nutrient utilization. are described in a health pro– mot10n framework. Modern modes of nutnt10nal therapy are discussed. 56-401, 56-402 Nursing Care of Children and Adults: Acute Physiological Imbalances -A 10 hours Common acute physiological imbalances of children and adults and the health care delivery system (including pharmacological, nursing, and medical care) to restore physiological, psychological, sociological and spiritua.l ho.meostasis are studied in depth. Content includes respons~ pat– terns of children versus adults to acute illness and the unique resources needed by each to restore health. Content is organized around the follow– ing conc.epts: health, cellular responses, fluid and electrolyte dynamics, metabolism, oxygenation, and perception and coordination. Recurrent themes throughout the concepts include the aspects of transport and regu– lation. Planning, interventions, and evaluation components are em– phasized as the nursing process is applied in hospital settings. Prerequis– ites: 56-20 I, 56-202 Theoretical and and Technical Foundations of Nurs– ing; 56-315 Nutrition ofindividuals and Families. 56-403, 56-404 Nursing Care of Children and Adults: Intermittent-Permanent Physiological Imbalances - W 10 hourn An indepth analysis is presented of the common intermittent-perma– nent, physiological imbalances or children and adults and the health care delivery system (including nursing, pharmacological, and medical resources) needed to restore a health balance. Study includes response patterns of children, families, and adults to chronic illness and physical disability and the unique resources needed by each to maintain or im– prove current health. The ethical, political, economic, and social factors of caring for persons with intermittent, permanent, or terminal illnesses are discussed. Planning intervention and evaluation components are em– phasized as the nursing process is applied in a variety of settings. Pre– requisites: 56-40 I, 56-402 Nursing Care of Children and Adults: Acute Physiological Imbalances. 56-405, 56-406 Management and Advanced Clinical Nurning - Sp 10 hours Health care organizations and the leadership/management skills re– quired in various nursing care delivery systems are explored in this course. Content areas include theories and strategies used by managerial leaders, communication, decision making, change, evaluation, and financial managment. Additional content focuses on the nursing man– agement of clients with complex clinical and psychosocial needs. Clinical practice involves working under the direction of faculty, nurse manager, clinical specialist, clinical supervisor or assistant direc– tor of nursing in a clinical area of the student's choice. This experience focuses on the observation and development of leadership/managerial skills within an organization as well as advanced experience in the man– agement of patient care for a group of patients or patients with multisys– tem problems. Prerequisites: 56-403, 56-404 Nursing Care or Children and Adults: Intermittent-Permanent Physiological Imbalances. 56-413 Health Assessment- W, Su 3 hours This course focuses on development of systematic approaches to as– sessing the health status of individuals. Content includes obtaining a health history, performing a physical examination and normal physical and developmental responses throughout the life-span. 56-440 through 56-449 Special Topics in Nursing -A, W, Sp, Su 2-5 hours Selected topics or interest to faculty and students. Course titles to be announced when scheduled. Prerequisites: 56-201, 56-202 Theoreti– cal and Technical Foundations of Nursing or consent of instructor. 56-480 Independent Study in Nursing-A, W, Sp, Su 1-4 hours Students may engage in independent learning opportunities to secure an in-depth background in a specialized area of nursing. The course may be repeated once. Prerequisite: Signed contract between student and in– structor in which work to be completed is described. 56-493 Research in Nursing- W 3 hours The research process as applied to clinical nursing problems is dis– cussed. Content focus is on statement of problem, development of con– ceptual framework, research method selection, data analysis, and discus– sion of the findings. Discussion of the ethics of research and constraints