1986-1987 Academic Catalog

160 Cedarville College recognizes that conditions which create the need for financial assistance may also create other educational needs which require extra time and slower progress in achieving educational goals. Students who, because of exceptional educational needs, must make slower progress than outlined in the policy or who find themselves vic– tims of unusual circumstances are encouraged to discuss their situations with their academic advisors and the financial aid office. Where legally possible, because of mitigating circumstances, exemption to this policy can be considered. When the Congress of the United States enacted the Higher Education Amendments of 1976, eligible institutions were directed to define and enforce standards of progress for students receiving federal financial assistance. The programs directly involved at Cedarville College are: (1) The Pell Grant, (2) The National Direct Student Loan NDSL, (3) The Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant- SEOG, (4) Col– lege Work Study - CWS, (5) Guaranteed Student/Plus Loans, and (6) State Student Incentive Grant Program. Fllll-Time Stlldents Eligibility for full benefits of federal, Title IV funds, undergraduate recipients of financial aid must enroll for a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours of classes during each quarter that aid is received. All students are required to have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in order to be graduated from Cedarville College. The following cumulative grade point averages would be appropriate in achieving this goal and fulfilling the term "caITying to completion" the required hours per academic year. Aid recipients, after completing thirty-six (36) credit hours, should have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 1.75; after completing seventy-two (72) credit hours a minimum cumulative grade point average of2.00 is required to continue in good standing, and be considered to be making satisfactory academic progress toward gradu– ation. Aid recipients who fail to complete the above academic progress criterion would be subject to having their federal aid discontinued unless there are mitigating circumstances. Student who withdraw from all courses during any quarter will be re– quired to confer with the Financial Aid Office and other appropriate offices. If permitted to continue, students who withdraw from all courses during each quarter for two consecutive quarters will be considered as not making satisfactory academic progress and will be discontinued from in– stitutionally controlled financial aid programs and the Pell Grant. In conjunction with school policy the grading marks F, I, NC, AU, W, WP, and WF will not be considered as successful completion of courses attempted. Incomplete (I) grades can be considered when completed according to the provisions in the college catalog. Courses that are re– peated will count in the calculation of hours attempted and completed hours earned if the student receives a passing grade; however, all grades received for the course will be included in the grade point calculation. Part-Time Stlldents: Students who enroll for less than a full-time basis (12 credit hours per quarter) will receive proportionately less financial aid than a full-time student as dictated by lower school costs and federal regulations. Similar academic progress requirements for full-time apply to part-time enroll– ment on a proportional basis. Financial aid will not be awarded to students who enroll for less than six hours of credit per quarter (half-time). Transfer Stlldents: Transfers will be given three quarters to provide evidence of academic satisfactory progress. Progress will pe evaluated on the total number of credit hours completed and the grade point average earned at Cedarville College. Credit hours accepted for transfer will determine the classifica– tion used to evaluate academic progress, i.e., 1. 75 after 36 credit hours and 2.00 after 72 credit hours. How to Reestablish Eligibility: When a student is denied aid because of lack of academic progress, additional courses must be taken at the student's own expense. This will be necessary until the minimum cumulative grade point average and the required minimum credit hours needed meet the academic progress criterion. In all cases, the student, upon completion of these require– ments, must schedule an appointment with the Financial Aid Office to determine his/her future eligibility for federal assistance. Method for Appeal: Students who have been discontinued from financjal aid have a right to appeal and can do so by written notification to the Director of Student Financial Aid. All appeals must include substantive reasons for failure to comply with the provisions of this policy, and all extenuating cir– cumstances must be supported by documentation. The Director of Student Financial Aid will respond by letter to each appeal and either approve or disapprove the student's continuation of financial aid. Further appeals can be made to the Financial Aid Commit– tee and to the Vice President for Student Services, if required.