1986-1987 Academic Catalog

64 COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS 11-121 In~roduction to Da~a Prncessing -A, W, Sp 3 hotll'S A~ o~erv1ew of computer mformation systems. The integration and apphcallon of computer hardware, software, procedures, systems, and human resources are explored. Emphasis on using spreadsheets word processing, and database techniques. ' 11-124 Compute1· Prngramming- BASIC-A, W, Sp 3 hours Principles of compute~· programming in BASIC. A strong emphasis is placed on the proper design of a computer program using structured pro– gramming concepts and techniques. 11-221 FORTRAN Programming-A, Sp 4 hours Problem solving is emphasized as algorithms and techniques useful in pr~ctical. busin~ss and. scientific application are introduced in program– mmg anthmet1c, logic, and data handling functions. Prerequisite: 11-124 Computer Programming- BASIC. 11-224, 11-225 COBOLPrngramming-A, W, Sp 4 hours each quarter The ~ourse introduces the _basic pr.ogram structure of a high level pro– grammmg language as busmess-onented programs are prepared and executed. Advanced topics are developed with stress upon more efficient programming techniques, documentation, and structured programming. Prerequisite: 11-124 Computer Programming - BASIC. 11-324 System Simulation - Sp 4 hours Simulation is a problem-solving technique that has its greatest use in the ~tudy ~f models of real .sys!ems. Th~ cours~ introduces the principles of s1mulat1on and the apphcat10n of a s1mulation language to studies of que.uing systems, inventory systems, and network analysis. Each student designs and runs a computer model. Prerequisites: 11-211 Quantitative Methods, 11-221 FORTRAN Programming. 11-326 Systems Analysis - A 4 hours A study that provides an understanding of the duties of the systems analyst together with an understanding of the specific methods and tech– niq~es for cond~cting a systems project-:-- from the preliminary investi– gat10n of the project through the systems implementation and evaluation. P1:erequisite: 11-221 FORTRAN Program or 11-224 COBOL Program– mmg. 11-327 Systems Design - W 4 hours Adv~nced study .of structured systems development. Emphasis on strateg1.es and ~echmques of str.uctured analysis and structured design for producmg log1c~l metho~olog1es for dealing with complexity in the de– velopment of mformat10n systems. Prerequisite: 11-326 Systems Analysis. 11-328 Database Development-Sp 4 hourn Introduction to application program development in a database envi- David Rotman, instructor in computer information systems, also supervises the Academic Computer Center. ronment w~th an emphasis on loading, modifying and querying the database usmg a ?ost language (COBOL). Discussion and application of data structures, mdexed and direct file organizations, models of data including hierarchial, network, and relational. Prereq11isite: 11-224 COBOL Programming. 11-329 Software and Hardware Concepts - W 4 hours A su.rvey of tech~ical .topics related to computer systems with emphasis on the r~la1I.onsh1ps between hardware architecture, systems software, and apphcat1ons software. 11-420 Programming Languages-A 4 hours Advanced programming concepts using one or more structured lan– gua.ges (sel~cted from Pascal, ADA, Modula 2, C). Theories of program design and implementation. Some discussion of compiler construction. 11-421 Software Development-Sp 3 hours Appli~ati?n of compute~ programming and system development con– cepts, pnnc1ples and pract1c.es to a comprehensive system development proj.ec~. A team approach 1s used to analyze, design, and document reahst1c syste!11s of mode.rate complexity. Use of project management ~ethods, project scheduhng and control techniques, formal presenta– t10ns, and group dynamics in the solution of information systems prob– lems. Development of data~ase to support the system. Prereq11isites: 11-225 COBOL Programming, 11-326 Systems Analysis. 11-422 Decision Support Systems 4 hours . An analysis of the highest level of information support systems which aid th~ manager in the decision-making process. Prereq11isites: 11-212 Quant1tat1ve Methods II, 11-225 COBOL Programming.