1987-1988 Academic Catalog
"I chose Cedarville because I wanted a good education as well as the opportunity to study the Bible. I know from talking to students who have transferred that Cedarville is tougher than many large universities. I believe that's because, as a smaller college, the faculty are much closer to us and can require more of us. My experiences with Christian ministries - going to Africa with the soccer team and visiting the boys at Bethesda Rehabilitation Center - really gave me a burden for reaching the lost. But more than that, I gained confidence in witnessing to others. I'm glad I attended Cedarville and feel ready for what I want to do in life. The leading scorer on the 1986 soccer team, Ric Seidel, a 1987 comprehensive Bible graduate, also used his athletic talents as a member ofthe Missionary Internship Service soccer team to the Ivory Coast. Listed in Who's Who Among "Cedarville really is a 'college family.' When you share the same faith and a common perspective on life, friendships develop a lot faster and they go much deeper. At Cedarville the faculty really take a personal interest in you. They go beyond being the instructors for the quarter. I feel "cared for" by the faculty. Yes, they are demanding. Yet I have appreciated the academic rigor because the quest for excellence is not something they push upon us. Rather, they encourage us to do our best through the way they teach and the way they live. There are so many things that I have appreciated about Cedarville. I think you'll like it, too, as you learn more about it." Senior communications major Jan Johnson has performed both on the stage in college productions and on the screen in the forthcoming film "Test ofFaith." A member ofCedarville' stop-rated intercollegiate forensics team, Jan comes
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