1987-1988 Academic Catalog

Requirements for Health Education leading to a Provisional High School Certificate (teaching certificate for grades seven to twelve) Fifty-one quarter hours including: PEF-199 Physical Activity and the Christian Life 1 PEM-240 First Aid and Safety Education 3 PEH-245 Health Seminars (4) (a-i) . . . . . . . . 8 a. Consumer Health (2) b. Healthy Lifestyles (2) c. Stress Management Strategies (2) d. Nutrition for Health and Weight Control (2) e. Death and Dying: Education for Living (2) f. Mood-altering Substances (2) g. Gerontological Health Issues (2) h. Current Issues in Health (2) i. Environmental Health (2) PEH-250 Community Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PEH-313 School Health Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 BI0-216, BI0-217 Human Anatomy and Physiology IO PYCH-160 General Psychology . . . . . . . . . 5 PYCH-260 Human Growth and Development . 5 PYCH-366 Fundamentals of Counseling . 5 SOC-242 Human Sexuality . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SOC-273 Social Movements . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Professional Education requirements. Forty-four hours including: EDUC-100 Introduction to Education . . . . . . . 2 EDUC-101 Field Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 EDUC- I02 Education of the Exceptional Child . 2 EDUC-201 Preliminary Student Involvement . 0 EDUC-236 Learner and the Learning Process . . 4 EDUC-321 Philosophy of Education . . . . . . . 3 *EDUC-350 Reading & Thinking in the Content Areas . 4 *EDUC-461 Teaching Health . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 *EDUC-396 Field Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 *EDUC-450 Supervised Teaching and Seminar 16 *Prerequisite is admission to the Teacher Education Program. Note: Health Education is a teaching field, not a major. Requirements for a Minor in Coaching. Twenty-five quarter hours including: PEF-199 Physical Activity and the Christian Life . I PEM-238 Motor Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 a11d Physical Ed11catio11 PEM-240 First Aid and Safety Education PEA-355 Basic Athletic Training ... PEC-367 Fundamentals of Coaching . PEC-368 Scientific Basis of Coaching PEM-392 Kinesiology ......... . PEC-370-PEC-376 Coaching Elective PEC-495 Internship in Coaching .... DEPARTMENTAL COURSES PEI-100 through PEL-198 General Physical Education - 105 3 3 3 .2 3 3 5 1 hour each quarter Students may select from a variety of courses offered each quarter. Each course has an aerobics requirement and class participation as major objectives. Courses may include: basketball, racquetball, soccer, soft– ball, volleyball, badminton, self-defense, aerobics, archery, backpack– ing, bowling, camping, river rafting, cycling, golf, tennis, swimnastics, beginning swimming through WSI, rock climbing, and personal exercise program. PEF-199 Physical Activity and the Christian Life - 1 hour A study of the role of physical activity in the Christian life from a Scriptural, physiological, and psycho-sociological perspective. Em– phasis is placed upon developing and continuing active, healthy, Chris– tian life practices. PEF-200 through PES-220 Major Skills Classes - 1 hom· each quarter Skill development classes designed for those students having a cur– ricular emphasis in physical education. The following skills classes are required: Physical Activity and the Christian Life (199), Swimming (170-174), Apparatus I (Men - 201, Women - 202); Apparatus II (Men - 203, Women - 204); Rhythmics (210); and Tumbling (212). PEE-230 through PEE-232 Sports Officiating 2 hours Lectures, reading, class discussions, and field experiences in officiat– ing. Ohio High School Athletic Association certification may be earned in selected sports. PEE-230 Basketball Officiating PEE-231 Volleyball Officiating PEE-232 Track and Field Officiating PEM-235 Foundations of Physical Education -A 3 hours An orientation to the history, philosophy, and scope of modem phys– ical education from a theistic perspective. PEM-238 Motor Learning - W 2 hours A study of the various factors affecting the acquisition of motor skills. PEM-240 First Aid and Safety Education 3 hours American Red Cross Standard First Aid and C.P.R. Certificate may be granted at the end of the course.