1987-1988 Academic Catalog

PEM-470 Physical Education Seminar 1-3 hours Research problems are conducted by major physical education stu– d.ents to develop their understanding and appreciation of problems in the f~el~, and to dev.elop skill in presenting theories and hypothesis for analy– sis m group settmgs. PEM-480 Organization and Administration of Physical Education - 3hours The study of the principles of adaptation and selection of activities examination and grouping of pupils, provision and care of equipment: departn;iental organization, maintenance of facilities, and techniques of evaluation. Prerequisite: PEM-235 Foundations of Physical Education. PEM-485 Evaluation in Physical Education - W 1 hour A study of existing programs of evaluation for physical education pro– grams with consideration given to techniques of test administration and and Physical Education 107 the organization and interpretation of data collected. Prerequisite: PEM-235 Foundations of Physical Education. Calculator TI-55 is re– quired. PEE-490 Independent Study in Physical Education 1-4 hours Independent study by major students of advanced standing toward the understanding and appreciation of problems in physical education. This course is intended to give the sh.~dent the opportunity to develop skills in the use of literature and in the appropriate techniques in the solution of problems. PEM-499 Internship in Physical Education 5-15 hours A fi~ld experience for non-teaching majors designed to provide an op– portumty for students to be involved in a variety of activities compatible with their career interests. Departmental approval is required along with determination of the number of hours of credit to be granted. Physical education classes benefitfrom the spacious Athletic Center which housesfive basketball courts, three rac– quetball courts, two tennis courts, and a one-tenth mile indoor track.