1987-1988 Academic Catalog

110 Professors: Raymond E. Bartholomew, Chairman; Edward L. Greenwood, Edward E. Spencer Associate Professors: Harmon Bergen, Pat L. Dixon, Ronald M. Grosh Assistant Professors: Sandra Harner, Barbara L. Loach Part-time Faculty: Lynn A. Brock, Nancy Hayes The Language and Literature Department is comprised of English Language; World, English, and American Literature; and Spanish, German, and French language studies. The department seeks to achieve the following objectives: (1) to instruct students to speak and write correctly and effec– tively; (2) to encourage students to read and appreciate the great masterpieces of English, American, and World Literature; (3) to teach students to evaluate literature intelligently; (4) to provide a general knowledge of the chronology and the social and intellec– tual background of English and American Literature; (5) to pre– pare students for graduate work in the field of English; ( 6) to pre– pare teachers of English; (7) to prepare students for professional and technical writing. Students who choose English as a major are expected to acquire a high level of competency in the discipline of the English lan– guage. Requirements for a Major in English. Seventy quarter hours including: ENG-140 English Composition II . 5 ENG-223 Advanced Composition . 3 or ENG-302 Creative Writing .. . LIT-231 World Literature ... . ENG-305 The English Language LIT-335 Shakespeare ...... . LIT-337 Contemporary American Literature or LIT-338 Contemporary British Literature LIT-421 Literary Criticism . . . . . . . . . 3 .5 . 5 .5 .5 .5 .3 ENG-422 English Seminar American Literature (one course) English Literature (one course) Electives in English . . . . . . . English Curriculum English major requirements General Education Requirements Electives .............. . .3 .5 .5 26 70 66 ~ 192 Requh'ements for a Major in English with an Emphasis iin Secondary Education. Fifty-nine quarter hours including: ENG-110 English Composition I . . 5 ENG-140 English Composition II . 5 ENG-223 Advanced Composition . 3 or ENG-302 Creative Writing . . . . 3 LIT-231 World Literature . . . . . 5 ENG-305 The English Language . 5 ENGC,307 Advanced Grammar . . 5 LIT-320 Methods of Teaching Composition and Literature . 3 LIT-335 Shakespeare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 LIT-337 Contemporary American Literature . 5 or LIT-338 Contemporary British Literature ENG-352 Developmental Reading LIT-421 Literary Criticism American Literature (one course) . English Literature (one course) English/Secondary Edm:ati.on Cu11Ticudum English major requirements ... General Education requirements Education requirements Electives ............. . .5 .5 .3 .5 .5 59 66 46 __n 192