1987-1988 Academic Catalog

LIT-323 Directed Readings 1-4 hours Selected readings designed to strengthen the major by providing pri– mary and secondary material in preparation for an independent study of a major writer, literary genre, or literary period. LIT-331 The English Novel- W 4 hours A reading and critical analysis of representative novels of the period from Richardson to Hardy. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composi– tion II. (odd years) LIT-332 Seventeenth Century English Literature - W 5 hours A study of the metaphysical writers, John Donne, Crashaw, and Mil– ton, with an emphasis on the Miltonic trilogy. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. LIT-333 Eighteenth Century English Literature - W 5 hours A study of the neo-classical poetry and prose with emphasis on Dry– den, Defoe, Swift, Pope, Fielding, and Goldsmith. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. (odd years) LIT-334 Nineteenth Century English Literature - Sp 5 hours A study of the major Romantic and Victorian writers, giving emphasis to Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Browning, and Tennyson. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. LIT-335 Shakespeare - W 5 hours Representative comedies, history plays, tragedies, and sonnets. Pre– requisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. LIT-337 Contemporary American Literature - Sp 5 hours A study of post World War I writers whose works reflect the dominant thought patterns and values of the 20th century. (even years). LIT-338 Contemporary British Literature -A 5 hours A study of representative and significant 20th century British writers, especially those reflective of modern ideologies. LIT-342 American Novel- W 4 hours A study of the historical development of the American novel, and an analysis of the writings of major American novelists from Cooper to Faulkner. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. (even years) LIT-413 D1·amatic Literature -Sp 4 hours (See Speech Communications for description) Can be applied to meet English or speech requirements, but not both fields for the same student. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. LIT-421 Literary Criticism -Sp 3 hours A s(udy of major critical theories from ancient times to the present. Prerequisite: 200 or 300 level literature course. Required for all secondary and English majors. LIT-422 English Seminar - W 3 hours Designed to help the student synthesize his major areas of study. Re– quired of all senior English majors. 113 LIT-423 Independent Study in English 1-4 hours Independent study in a selected field for students with special interests and demonstrated ability. LIT-442 European Novel - W 4 hotus A study of the 19th and 20th century influence on the novel from Bal- zac to Camus. (odd years) PROFESSIONAL WRITING *PWRT-221 Style and Mechanics for Writers 3 hours A prescriptive approach to a clear, concise prose which is grammati– cally correct. PWRT-312 Professional Writing 5 hours An introduction to basic technical communication in which students learn oral and written communication with the use of effective visuals. PWRT-313 High Technology for Professional Writers 3 hours Two of the class hours per week are held in the micro-computer lab. Students use IBM PCs to prepare brochures, corporate newsletters, man– uals, and other writing assignments. In addition, guest speakers lecture on The Technical Writer and engineering, electronics, and computers. PWRT-414 Report Writing 5 hours A study of the techniques necessary for writing clear, well-organized reports of various kinds. PWRT-415 Advanced Professional Writing 4 hours An on-the-job simulation of work for which technical writers are responsible with an emphasis on deadlines, accuracy, effective, profes– sional communication; resume preparation and practice in job inter– views; preparation for professionalism. *Emphasis must begin Fall Quarter of the junior year. SPANISH SPAN-171, SPAN-172, SPAN-173 Elementary Spanish-A, W,Sp 5 hours each quarter Development ofbasic skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening in Spanish, along with an introduction to Hispanic cultures. (Offered also in the summer, odd years) SPAN-271, SPAN-272 JintermediateSpanish-A,W 5 hours each quarte1· Grammar review, composition, conversation, and readings in Spanish literature and culture. Prerequisite: SPAN-171, SPAN-172, SPAN- 173 Elementary Spanish or at least two years of high school Spanish. SPAN-360 Clinical Teaching in Spanish 1-3 hours each quarter A practical, on-campus experience in which a student is assigned to as– sist a college instructor in preparation for classes, grading of reports and