1987-1988 Academic Catalog

CHMU-200 The Christian at Worship~ Sp 3 llmurs A study of worship as recorded in the Old and New Testaments with primary emphasis upon individual and corporate worship in the contem– porary fundamental church. GMUS-305 Accompanying - Sp 3 hours An intensive study, in a master-class environment, of vocal and instru– mental literature, accompanying skills, and piano duets. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (odd years) GMUS-366 Pedagogy - Sp 3 hours Pedagogy in piano, organ, or other major instrument. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (even years) GMUS-400 Music Seminm· -A, W, Sp 2-5 hours For music majors. Some typical topics: 16th century counterpoint, choral arranging, band arranging, performance practices. Others as in– terest demands. Prerequisite: Permission of the Music Department. GMUS-410 Independent Study in Music-A, W, Sp 1-4 hours Registration may be repeated. Prerequisite: Permission of the Music Department. A. Theory and Composition D. Music Education B. History and Literature E. Applied Music C. ChurchMusic PFMU-490 Senior Recital-A, W, Sp 0 lmurn A senior recital is required of al I music majors as partial fulfillment of degree requirements. The date for the recital and the repertoire will be de– termined by the performance instrnctor. A recital fee of $70 is charged the quarter the recital is to be performed. Cii!MU<UIJ! Preliminary St1.11deni Involvement-A, W,Sp,Su 0 hm.11rn Each student arranges five full, consecutive days in a fundamental B11ptisl clmn;h during which he observes and participates in music ac– iiviiies of !he local church. A follow-up report is required. ClliJVm-wz Semi111mr - Jfl!:mdbells - Sp 2 ltlomrs An introduction to handbells, their use in the church, school and com– munily, the choice i!nd maintenance of equipment, and ihe development of effective (even years) CJE!tr11,lU-W3 lEunsemMes imi the C!nnrdi -A :d:Ilmms An introduction to !he importance of inslrnmental music in the church. The study of the development of small wind and brass ensembles, large ensembles, repertoire, and the function of ensembles in worship and Christian education. (odd years) CHMU-204 Seminar - Audio Resou:rces for the Chu:rch - W 2"hourn An overview of audio in relation to sound reinforcement and its use in the local church. Topics for study include: the basic sound chain, the mixing process, tape accompaniments, audio problems, and trouble- shooting. (even years) CHMU-210 Piano Seminar - Sp 2 hours A seminar for advanced church keyboard musicians. Half of the class sessions are devoted to student demonstrations and analysis of individual hymn-playing styles. Subsequent sessions will deal with a wide range of topics which include hymnals, hymn-arranging, working with pub– lishers, advanced modulation and improvisation techniques, and philos– ophies of keyboard worship. Prerequisite: Piano Class II or Diagnostic test-out. (odd years) CHMU-250 Hymnology - W 3 hours A historical survey of Christian hymnody; consideration of criteria for judging texts and tunes with an emphasis upon their practical use in the worship service. (even years) CHMU-253 Song Leading - Sp 2 hours Hymn conducting, duties of a song leader, and an evaluation of Protes– tant church music. Recommended for all future pastors and church workers. (odd years) CHMU-JSO History and Administration of Church Musk - W 5 hours A survey of the history of church music together with various methods of organizing and administering the total music program of the church. A biblical foundation of church music. (odd years) CHMU<:l53 Musk Methods and Materials for Children :;md Y01n6.ll ~Sp 3 km1us The establishment of !he graded music n1inistry in the local church, pariicularly the grades choir system with special attention given to methods and materials used in the organization and maintenance of the groups which comprise this ministry. Field experience is a part of this class. Prerequisite: HLMU-350 History and Administration of Church iVJ:usic . (odd years) CJf::!lVJ!U-499 Clmn:lll M1.nsk lnten1ship-A, W, Sp, Su 5-15 hours Senior church music majors and minors engage in church music activ– iiy in a local church under the supervision of one faculty member of the Department of Music. The department determines the number of credit hours that will be given. Prerequisite: Completion of all courses in the Church Music program and senior classification.