1987-1988 Academic Catalog

126 PLMU-293 St1ing-A, W, Sp PLMU-295 Percussion-A, W, Sp Class Study 1 or 2 hours each quarter 1 or 2 hours each quarter CLMU-183 Piimo Class I-A, W, Sp 1 lnomr Group instruction in piano fundamentals including reading of the gran? staff, development of keyboard motor skills, counting, ensemble playmg, elementary transposition, reading easy hymn-arrangements, and playing from the hymnal. Repeatable. CLMU-184 Piano class H- W 1 hmu . Gro~p instruction.in essential. hymn pla~ing and accompanying skills mcludmg congregational style 1mprov1sat10n, accompanying from the hymnal, sightreading, and transposition. CLMU-185 Voice Class-A, W, Sp Majors 1 lilonr Designed for the entering freshman level music major who anticipates using voice as his major or proficiency performance area. The class meets for two hours each week during the autumn quarter, one hour of class ~oge_ther with private _instruction the winter and spring quarter. In– struction 1s devoted to basic vocal technique and beginning repertoire. Repeatable. Prerequisite: Audition. Non-majors Intended for the general student who wishes to learn the basic essen– tials of vocal production and to apply them to his own instrument toward greater facility of vocal expression through singing. CLMU-186 Voice Class - W 2 hours . Continued vocal instruction with an emphasis upon pedagogical tech– niques ?eveloped throul?h labora~ory experience. This course is designed for the instrumental major pursuing either secondary music education or the BME degree as well as for non-majors desiring further vocal study. Prerequisite: CLMU-185 Voice Class. Ensembles PFMU-380 Concert Chorale-A, W, Sp 0-1 hour !he Concert Chorale has a membership of appoximately 50 mixed voices, chosen .by audition. Repertoire includes primarily sacred music drawn from the 17th through the 20th century. Performances take place on campus and away from campus. A major goal is to provide a music ministry to local churches. PFMU-382 Male Chorus-A, W, Sp 0-1 hour . The Ma.le Chorus c01_1sists of approximately 20 voices performing dur– mg the wmter and spnng quarters. Literature has included sacred and sec~lar music ?rawn from the Renaissance through the 20th century. A major concert 1s presented each spring. PFMU-386 Oratorio Chorus - A 0-1 l:iour 1:he Ora!orio Chorus is composed of approximately 100 mixed voices. Active dur~ng the autumn quarter of each academic year, the group pre– sents a major choral work early in December. Handel's Messiah is per- formed every third year. Recent repertoire has included Mendelssohn's St. Paul and J.S. Bach's Christmas Oratorio. PJFMU-388 Brass Choin· -A, W, Sp 0-1 homr The Brass Choir, of select instrumentation, consists of 20 to 25 mem– bers. ~t serves the college and its constituency by performing concerts featunng the highest quality brass choir literature. Major concerts are performed each quarter. PJFMU-397 Sympllm11ic Baml-A, W, Sp 0-1 llour The Symphonic Band is composed of approximately 80 members, selected by audition. Performing the highest quality band literature, the band appeared before state and national conference audiences and in con– cert under the baton of such guest conductors as Jim Curnow, George Strombeck, and George Wilson. Several concerts are presented each year on campus and in churches and schools. Small Ensembles Opportunities exist for qualified students to perform in chamber en– sembles. Performances typically are presented as a part of the Tuesday afternoon student recital series. Opportunities may include: PJFMU-391 Woodwind Ensemble -A, W, Sp PFMU-393 Stk'ing Ensemble -A, W, Sp PJFMU-394 Chamber 01·chestrn -A, W, Sp PFMU-397 Symphonic Band - A, W, Sp 0-1 hour 0-1 llonr 0-1 hour 0-1 honr