1987-1988 Academic Catalog

52 I The mark "I" is given when a student has done satisfac– tory work in a class but has been unable to complete all the required work because of extended illness or other extenuating circumstances. Under such circumstances, the work may be made up within two full instructional weeks in the term or quarter following the end of the summer school term or quarter in which the "incom– plete" was given. Required courses which have been failed must be repeated unless an extension is granted by the instructor. CR The mark "CR" means that credit has been granted; it also applies to the "Credit or No Credit Program" where credit is received for satisfactory (average or above) performance in the course. These hours apply toward the total graduation requirements but are not used in the computation of grade point averages. NC The mark "NC" means that no credit has been granted. These hours are not used in the computation of grade point averages. AU This is given when a course is audited. A student must attend and participate in a course; however, he receives no credit. W The mark "W" is used to indicate that the student with– drew from the course during the second, third, or fourth week. WP The "WP" is used to indicate that the student is "pass– ing" when he dropped the course during the fifth and sixth week. WF The "WF" is used throughout the quarter if the student is "failing" at the time of withdrawal. However, after the sixth week, any withdrawal is noted as WF. A "WF" is treated in the same manner as the "F" grade when figuring the grade point average. Grade Points and Point Ave.rages Cedarville College uses the "four-point system" to determine academic averages. Grade points are awarded as follows: Each Quarter Hour Grade Points A 4.0 A- 3.7 B+ 3.3 B 3.0 B- 2.7 c+ 2.3 c 2.0 c- 1.7 D+ 1.3 D 1.0 D- .7 F 0.0 The grade point average is computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the total hours attempted. Credit/No Credit Program Credit/No Credit may be assigned by faculty members in such courses as student teaching, laboratories, independent studies, and one-hour courses in physical education and music. The opportunity to take elective courses on a Credit/No Credit (CR or NC) basis offers students the occasion to develop back– ground in new areas of study without threatening cumulative grade point averages. The following rules govern the program: I. Juniors and seniors shall be allowed to take elective courses on a Credit/No Credit basis. No more than one course may be taken in any one term. 2. Electives shall be those courses which will not count to– ward either general education, major, minor, or cognates. 3. In order to receive credit, the student must maintain at least a "C" average in the course.