1987-1988 Academic Catalog

68 Professors: Clifford W. Fawcett, David C. Heinze, Ronald J. Walker, Chairman Associate Professors: Marinus Hazen, Sarah H. Smith Assistant Professors: Richard E. Baldwin, Jeffrey K. Fawcett, Martha J. Johnson, David Nicholas, Anne R. Rich, David L. Rotman, Galen P. Smith Part-time Faculty: Kenneth H. St. Clair, Rodney Wyse The Department of Business Administration seeks to prepare well-rounded, ethical, competent Christian people for a variety of careers in the competitive world of business and/or for graduate studies. The program offers a healthy combination of the liberal arts and professional skills in order to develop the intellectual capacity, leadership, seriousness of purpose, and attitude of ser– vice which are essential to persons assuming the responsibility of leadership positions. On this Biblically-integrated foundation, we construct academically sound business majors to prepare Chris– tian business personnel for God-honoring vocations. We seek to develop a wide range of student competencies, including all the technical skills offered in leading schools of business. The business curriculum has been carefully developed to emphasize the entire spectrum of business concerns in a balanced program that combines theory, principles, techniques, and practi– cal applications to enhance graduates' employment opportunities or to provide a solid foundation for graduate studies. The Business Department seeks to build upon the fundamental Christian liberal arts foundation established in the general educa– tion requirements of the college to present a value-centered cur– riculum that applies Christian principles to the private enterprise system as well as other public and nonprofit economic systems. This is accomplished through a continuous curriculum review and a highly competent faculty who combine academic expertise with professional field experience. Programs offered within the Department of Business Adminis– tration include majors in accounting, business administration, comprehensive business education, and computer information systems; and a two-year program leading to the associate of arts degree in secretarial studies. Business administration majors may elect to concentrate in accounting, computer information sys- terns, economics, management, marketing, finance, office tech– nology, or special programs. General Curriculum General Education requirements: Biblical Education* Communication . . Humanities Physical Education Science and Mathematics including GSCI-184 Introduction to Analysis Social Science . . . . . . . . . . Foreign language requirement** Business Administration: Core requirements . . . . . . . Major or area of concentration Business electives ...... . PYCH-160 General Psychology General Electives . . . . . . . . . . 24 15 15 . 3 15 14 86 .. 0-15 54 16-26 0-10 5 85 . .. 6-21 192 *Advanced Biblical studies courses can be substituted if the student has sufficient background. **The language requirement may be met by satisfactorily completing the third quarter of a first year foreign language at the college level, or two years of the same foreign language in high school. Business Administration Core Requirements Fifty-four quarter hours including: ACCT-101, ACCT-102 Principles of Accounting 10 CIS-121 Introduction to Data Processing . . 3 BUS-211, BUS-212 Quantitative Methods . . . . . 8 BUS-216 Business Communications . . . . . . . . . 3 ECON-231, ECON-232 Principles of Economics . 8 MGMT-251 Principles of Organization and Management . 4 MRKT-261 Principles of Marketing . 4 BUS-311 Business Law . . 4 FIN-371 Business Finance . . . . . . . 4