1987-1988 Academic Catalog

72 ACCT-305 Accounting Information Systems -Sp 3 houl'S A study of the flow of information through the accounting system em– phasizing systems analysis and design, internal controls, and computer applications in the business environment. Prerequisites: ACCT- 102 Principles of Accounting, CIS-121 Introduction to Data Processing. ACCT-306 Fund Accounting - Sp 4 hours Accounting and reporting principles, standards, and procedures appli– cable to not-for-profit organizations. Prerequisite: ACCT-201 Inter– mediate Accounting. (Alternate, odd years) ACCT-402 Advanced Accounting Problems - W 4 hours Comprehensive review of the application of accounting principles, using specific problems and development of approaches to problem solv– ing. Useful as intensive preparation for the C.P.A. examination. Pre– requisite: ACCT-203 Intermediate Accounting. ACCT-403 Advanced Cost Accounting-Sp 4 hours Advanced topics in accounting for manufacturing companies and the use of the computer in cost accounting applications. Prerequisite: ACCT-303 Cost Accounting. (Alternate, even years) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUS-211, BUS-212 Quantitative Methods-A, W, Sp 4 hours each quarter An introduction to quantitative methods used in business decision– making. Topics include probability, sampling, estimation regression, correlation, and time-series analysis. Prerequisite: GSCI-184 Introduc– tion to Analysis. BUS-216 Business Communications -A, W, Sp 3 hours Instruction for writing business letters, memos, and business reports. Oral business presentations, small group communication, and the com– munication process in general are also discussed. Prerequisites: ENG-I JO, ENG-140 Principles of Composition, I,II. BUS-311, BUS-312 Business Law-A, W, Sp 4 hours each quarter A study of contracts, sales, bailments, negotiable instruments, agency, employer-employee relationships, partnerships, corporations, insurance, and property. BUS-319 Calculus for Business - Sp 3 hours The concepts of differential and integral calculus which have found wide application in business and economics. Prerequisite: GSCI-184 Introduction to Analysis. BUS-340 Independent Study in Business Administration 1-4 hom·s Research in problems of accounting, computer information systems, general business, economics, finance, management, marketing, or secretarial administration. BUS-341 Topics in Business 1-5 hours A variety of courses is covered under this heading on an experimental basis. This allows the department ~o m~et the changing needs o~ t~e s~u- BUS-345 Business Internship 5-16 hours A work-study program designed for junior andsemoTblis!ness admin– istration majors to receive a variety of job-related experiences in a btrsi– ness environment. The program is arranged and administered by the business department. BUS-391 International Business - A 4 hours A study of the global perspective on all business activity. The iiilpact of the economic, cultural, legal, and historical environments on the func– tional areas of business is studied. Prerequisite: MGMT-251 Principles of Organization and Management, MRKT-261 Principles of Marketing, ECON-231, ECON-232 Principles of Economics. BUS-442 Business Seminar - A, W, Sp 3 hours Discussion of current business topics. Open only to seniors in business administration. BUSINESS EDUCATION BSED-347 Materials in Business Subjects - A 2 hours A study of the materials used in teaching business subjects in high school. BSED-348 Clinical Teaching - Business -A 1-3 hom·s A clinical experience required of teacher education students. The course includes sixty-six clock-hours of on-campus experiences that are analogous to secondary school teaching. These experiences are arranged by the department and are supervised and evaluated as part of teacher– training requirements. They may be taken in one-, two-, or three-credit hour segments. ECONOMICS ECON-231, ECON-232 Principles of Economics -A, W, Sp 4 hours each quarter A study of fundamental economic principles as an aid in underst~nding our free enterprise system. Emphasis is placed upon ~uch ~co_non;1c con– cepts as production, consumption, exchange, and pnce d1stnbut10n. ECON-313 Government and Business - Sp . 4 h~urs A study of the governmental agencies and thelf effect on Amencan business. Case studies and current events ~re developed to ~hc_iw the trends and status of various laws and ~egulat10~s. The econ<?m1c impact and difficulties which arise in managmg a ~msmess are reviewed. Pre– requisite: ECON-232 Principles of Economics. (Alternate, odd years) ECON-331 Money and Banking - Sp. . 4 hours A study of the principles of money, credit, and bankmg; an~ th~ opera– tion of the banking system. Prerequisite: ECON-232 Pnnc1ples of Economics.