1987-1988 Academic Catalog

74 MGMT-352 Production and Operations Management - W 4 hours Introduction to the concepts, methodologies, and application of pro– duction and operations management. Designed to develop problem solv– ing and decision making skills for application in the operations and production areas of the firms. Designed to develop an appreciation for the interaction of of operations management with the management sys– tems of organization. Prerequisite: ACCT-102 Principles of Account– ing, BUS-212 Quantitative Methods II, MGMT-251 Principles of Organization and Management. MGMT-353 Personnel Management - Sp 4 hours An analysis of the principal functions, processes, and problems involved in the management of personnel policies; selection, training, promotion, compensation, and discharge of personnel; labor turnover, safety, health, and recreation. Prerequisite: MGMT-251 Principles of Organization and Management. MGMT-354 Management Science - Sp 4 hours An introduction to linear programming, transportation and assignment problems, network flow problems, and inventory systems. The linear programming, transportation and assignment, network flow, and inven– tory models are solved and their use demonstrated by various applica– tions. Prerequisite: BUS-212 Quantitative Methods. (Alternate, even years) MGMT-451 Administrative Policy and Strategy - A, W, Sp 3 hours A capstone to the undergraduate business program, integrating functional areas. Strategic issues faced by organizations are analyzed in a comprehen– sive manner. Skills in strategic analysis are developed through lectures and from diverse industries, nonprofit and quasi-public institutions. MARKETING MRKT-261 Principles of Marketing -A, W, Sp 4 hours Factors involved in management of the marketing function relative to product development, promotion, pricing, physical distribution, and the determination of marketing objectives within the framework of the mar– keting system and available markets. MRKT-263 Principles of Advertising -A 4 hours Advertising as a communications tool in marketing management. Emphasis on decision making relative to market analysis. Media selec– tion, budgeting, production and layout, and measurement of effective– ness. Attention also to the social and economic aspects of advertising. MRKT-361 Sales Management- W 4 hourn Principles employed by business firms in the administration and strategy of a sales force. Factors involved in the organization of the sales force: recruiting and selection, training, compensation, motivating, and controlling. Sales forecasting and allocation of resources. Prerequisites: MGMT-251 Principles of Organization and Management, MRKT-261 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-362 Marketing Management - Sp 4 hours Factors involved in the management of the marketing function relative to product development, promotion, pricing, physical distribution, and the determination of marketing objectives within the framework of the marketing system and available markets. Prerequisites: MGMT-251 Principles of Organization and Management, MRKT-261 Principles of- Marketing. (Alternate, even years) MRKT-363 Marketing Research - Sp 4 hours Role of market research in marketing development. Decision making in an atmosphere of uncertainty. Determination of hypotheses. Planning research designs: survey, observational, experimental, and simulation. Execution of survey design: questionnaire construction, sample design, interviewing tabulation, analysis, interpretation of results, and presenta– tion. Prerequisites: MRKT-261 Principles of Marketing, BUS-212 Quantitative Methods II. MRKT-365 Consumer Behavior - W 4 hours Introduction to the psychological, sociological, cultural, and economic determinants of consumer behavior. Emphasis on exploration and discussion of various concepts and theories for the purpose of build– ing understanding and of providing an exposure to a variety of view– points. Prerequisite: MRKT-261 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-367 Industrial Marketing - W 4 hours A study of the industrial market sector which includes buying be– havior, applied demand analysis, and segmentation techniques. A framework for understanding the industrial strategy development pro– vides the student with decision-making capabilities for use in the indus– trial setting. Prerequisite: MRKT-261 Principles of Marketing. (Alternate, odd years) MRKT-368 Personal Selling -A 4 hours An analysis of the dynamics of selling, including prospecting, client analysis, demonstrations, visual presentations, and follow-up. Pre– requisite: MRKT-261 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-461 Marketing Strategy - Sp 4 hours Case course dealing in depth with actual problems encountered by business firms in all phases of marketing management. Prerequisites: senior standing and sixteen hours of marketing, including MRKT-261 Principles of Marketing and MRKT-363 Marketing Research. MRKT-462 International Marketing- 4 hours An intensive investigation of the problems, regulations, and chal– lenges facing U.S. manufacturers seeking to expand their markets to countries abroad. Analysis of competition and market opportunities based on current business and economic conditions; methods of penetrat– ing international markets including exporting, licensing, joint ventures, and wholly-owned subsidiaries; examination of cultural patterns and business customs; adapting the product line to international markets; selection of channels of distribution and sources of finance; pricing strategies; assistance to exporters by the U.S. government. Prerequisite: