1987-1988 Academic Catalog

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllB usiness Administration 77 COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS CIS-121 Introduction to Data Processing -A, W, Sp 3 hours An overview of computer information systems. The integration and application of computer hardware, software, procedures, systems, and human resources are explored. Emphasis on using spreadsheets, word processing, and database techniques. CIS-123 Microcomputer Applications -A, W, Sp 3 hours A study of the use of electronic spreadsheet and database management software in business applications. CIS-124 Computer Programming - BASIC -A, W, Sp 3 hours Principles of computer programming in BASIC. A strong emphasis is placed on the proper design of a computer program using structured pro– gramming concepts and techniques. CIS-221 FORTRAN Programming -A, Sp 4 hours Problem solving is emphasized as algorithms and techniques useful in practical business and scientific application are introduced in program– ming arithmetic, logic, and data handling functions. Prerequisite: CIS-124 Computer Programming - BASIC. CIS-224, CIS-225 COBOL Programming -A, W, Sp 4 hours each quarter The course introduces the basic program structure of a high level pro– gramming language as business-oriented programs are prepared and executed. Advanced topics are developed with stress upon more efficient programming techniques, documentation, and structured programming. Prerequisite: CIS-124 Computer Programming-BASIC. CIS-324 System Simulation - Sp 4 hours Simulation is a problem-solving technique that has its greatest use in the study of models of real systems. The course introduces the principles of simulation and the application of a simulation language to studies of queuing systems, inventory systems, and network analysis. Each student designs and runs a computer model. Prerequisites: BUS-211 Quantita– tive Methods, CIS-221 FORTRAN Programming. CIS-326 Systems Analysis - A 4 hours A study that provides an understanding of the duties of the systems analyst together with an understanding of the specific methods and tech– niques for conducting a systems project- from the preliminary investi– gation of the project through the systems implementation and evaluation. Prerequisite: CIS-221 FORTRAN Program or CIS-224 COBOL Prog– ramming. CIS-327 Systems Design - W 4 hours Advanced study of structured systems development. Emphasis on strategies and techniques of structured analysis and structured design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the de– velopment of information systems. Prerequisite: CIS-326 Systems Analysis. CIS-328 Database Development - Sp 4 hours Introduction to application program development in a database envi– ronment with an emphasis on loading, modifying and querying the database using a host language (COBOL). Discussion and application of data structures, indexed and direct file organizations, models of data including hierarchial, network, and relational. Prerequisite: CIS-224 COBOL Programming. CIS-329 Software and Hardware Concepts - W 4 hours A survey of technical topics related to computer systems with emphasis on the relationships between hardware architecture, systems software, and applications software. CIS-420 Programming Languages -A 4 hours Advanced programming concepts using one or more structured lan– guages (selected from Pascal, ADA, Modula 2, C). Theories of program design and implementation. Some discussion of compiler construction. CIS-421 Software Development - Sp 3 hours Application of computer programming and system development con– cepts, principles and practices to a comprehensive system development project. A team approach is used to analyze, design, and document realistic systems of moderate complexity. Use of project management methods, project scheduling and control techniques, formal presenta– tions, and group dynamics in the solution of information systems prob– lems. Development of database to support the system. Prerequisites: CIS-225 COBOL Programming, CIS-326 Systems Analysis. CIS-422 Decision Support Systems 4 hours An analysis of the highest level of information support systems which aid the manager in the decision-making process. Prerequisites: BUS-212 Quantitative Methods II, CIS-225 COBOL Programming.