1987-1988 Academic Catalog

78 Associate of Arts Degree in Sec1·etarial Studies. Ninety-six quarter hours including: Bible: 13 BEOT-101 Old Testament Survey ......... 5 or BENT-102 New Testament Survey 5 BETH-230 Theology Survey 5 BEPT-340 Baptist History . . . . . 3 General Education: 31 ENG-110 Principles of Composition I . . . . . . 5 ENG-140 Principles of Composition II . . . . . . 5 PEF-199 Physical Activity and Christian Living 1 PYCH-160 General Psychology . . . . . 5 COM-110 Fundamentals of Speech . . . 5 GSS-100 Foundations of Social Science 5 HUM-140 Introduction to Humanities 5 or Science or mathematics elective . . . . . . . 5 Business Administration: 19 ACCT-IOI Principles of Accounting I 5 CIS-121 Introduction to Data Processing 3 BUS-216 Business Communications . . 3 MGMT-251 Principles of Organization and Mgmt. 4 MRKT-261 Principles of Marketing . . . . . . . 4 or BUS-3 l l Business Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 or ECON-23 l Principles of Economics Office Technology: ..... . OTEC-183 Typing III . . . . . . . . . OTEC-186 Shorthand III . . . . . . . OTEC-28 l Shorthand Transcription OTEC-282 Machine Transcription OTEC-290 Office Systems and Procedures OTEC-291 Word/Information Processing Concepts OTEC-285 Records Management OTEC-289 Secretarial Internship Electives 4 26-28 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3-5 .. 9-12 OFFICE TECHNOLOGY OTEC-180 Keyboarding-A, Sp 1 hour A ten-week course to teach the touch operation of the alphabetic keyboard. The course is designed for the student to become more effi– cient in operating computer terminals and electronic keyboards. Em– phasis is strictly in developing speed, accuracy and proofreading skills; very little formatting is included in this course. Course credit is given as Credit/No Credit. OTEC-182 Intermediate Typewriting-A, W 3 houn; Instruction and practice in typing forms of office communication such as letters, memos, reports, tables, manuscripts, etc. Emphasis is placed upon developing production speed and accuracy. Composing at the type– writer along with developing proofreading skills are emphasized. Pre– requisite: OTEC-180 Keyboarding or 40 words per minute. OTEC-183 Advanced Typewdting- W,Sp 3 llours Practice in advanced production jobs using more realistic business situations. Minisimulations are used to expose the students to jobs in the following offices: sales, general, accounting, executive, legal, medical, government, and technical. Emphasis is placed on improving speed and accuracy. Prerequisite: OTEC-182 Intermediate Typewriting or 60 words per minute. OTEC-184 Shorthand ][ - A 3 hmffs OTEC-185 Shorthand II - W 3 hours OTEC-186 Shorthand I][][ - Sp 3 hours Introduction to Gregg Shorthand Series 90, emphasizing basic princi– ples, brief forms, phrasing, and development of speed and accuracy. OTEC-281 Shorthand Transcription - A 3 hours Emphasis upon mailable transcription from symbol shorthand. Pre– requisite: OTEC-186 Shorthand III. OTEC-282 Machine Transcription -A 3 hours Emphasis upon mailable transcription from machine transcription. Prerequisite: OTEC-183 Advanced Typewriting. OTEC-285 Recm·ds Management -A 3 hours Instruction in the fundamentals that are essential to managing the re– cords of an office. Alphabetic, geographic, numeric, subject, and chronologic methods of filing are discussed. Also included are methods for storing various records with a concentration on a variety of manage– ment aspects of record control and retention. OTEC-286 Legal Office Procedures - Sp 2 hours Includes learning legal terms, typing legal dictation using the OTEC transcriber, and participating in group projects. Prerequisites: OTEC- 282 Machine Transcription. OTEC-287 Medical Office Procedm:es - Sp 2 hours Includes using medical terms, typing medical dictation using the tran– scriber, and participating in group projects. Prerequisites: OTEC-282 Machine Transcription.