1987-1988 Academic Catalog

Teaching logic lo children is thefocus ofthe doc– toral study of Sharon Eimers, instructor in elementary education. Merlin Ager, chairman ofthe Department ofEducation, brings Christian, missionary, and public school teaching and administrative experience to the classroom. "My education at Cedarville was out– standing. My professors were not only outstanding educators who were also well-prepared for class, but they were also dedicated to the ministry of investing their lives in mine. I am now completing my doctoral work in educational adminis– tration at one of the most highly regarded colleges of education in the country. I still have not found the educational quality and personal at– tention to equal that which I received at Cedarville. I would highly recom– mend Cedarville to anyone consider– ing a career in public or Christian education." Ted Oakley, '67 Principal Barrington Elementary School Upper Arlington, Ohio