1988-1989 Academic Catalog

"!chose Cedarville because I was impressed with the quality ofthe graduates I had met. I've really bene– fited from the opportunities to gel involved. Foren– sics, the quartet, and student government have chal– lenged me to grow in every way and have 'rounded me out,' so lo speak." A senior political science major from Des Moines, Iowa, Seo// Bea/lie serves as the 1988-89 Student Government President and plans lo pursue a career in law. "I've enjoyed the di\>ersity of ministries Cedan•ille sponsors and the large number ofstudents involved. The different ministries provide a variety of ways to share the gospel and lo develop your own abilities." From Niger, Africa, Nathan Bobbe//, a junior com– munication arts major, has been involved in Beach E1m1gelism, nursing home services, and a work team to Africa. "Cedarville has challenged me to integrate Biblical principles into every area oflife-to 'think Bibli– cally.' The professors have been so he/p.fii/, always ready to talk or encourage. Working with the chil– dren al an area orphanage has motil'ated me lo be faithful and sensitive lo the needs ofothers. I feel that I've learned commitment at Cedarville." Sheri Bauer, a senior English education major from Akron, Ohio, is a member of Pi Delta, a student organization that gives campus tours to guests.