1988-1989 Academic Catalog

128 Music Charles Ellington, a highly trained music educator and experienced soloist, qffers private vocal instruction to many vocal music majors. DEPARTMENTAL COURSES GMUS-100 Orientation-A 1 hour A basic introduction to the department of music-its philosophy, programs, and procedures. Required of all first-time music majors and minors. (Fee: $15) GMUS-103 Program and Recital Attendance-A, W, Sp 0 hours Music majors and minors are required to attend a prescribed number of artist series programs, general recitals, senior recitals and faculty recitals each quarter. Credit is received by those fulfilling requirements. HUM-140 Introduction to the Humanities-A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours An historical study of the relationship of music, art and literature to the dominant cultural, religious and philosophical trends and their relationship to Christian theism. GMUS-305 Accompanying-Sp 3 hours An intensive study, in a master-class environment, of vocal and instrumental literature, accompanying skills, and piano duets. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (odd years) GMUS-366 Pedagogy-Sp 3 hours Pedagogy in piano, organ or other major instrument. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (even years) GMUS-400 Music Seminar-A, W, Sp 2-5 hours For music majors. Some typical topics: 16th century counterpoint, folk music, intermediate composition practices. Prerequisites: Permission of the Music Department. CHURCH MUSIC CHMU-200 The Christian At Worship-Sp 3 hours A study of worship as recorded in the Old and New Testament with primary emphasis upon individual and corporate worship in the contemporary fundamental church. Enrollment is encouraged from all departments of the college. CHMU-201 Preliminary Student Involvement-A, W, Sp, Su 0 hours Each Church Music major arranges five full, consecutive days in a fundamental Baptist church during which he observes and participates in music activities of the local church. A follow-up report is required. CHMU-203 Instrumental Ensembles in the Church-A 2 hours In a seminar setting, the student is given an introduction to the importance of instrumental music in the church. The study of the development of small wind and brass ensembles, large ensemble, repertoire and the function of ensembles in worship and Christian education. (odd years) CHMU-204 Audio Resonrces for the Church-W 2 hours An overview of audio in relation to sound reinforcement and its use in the local church. Topics for study include: the basic sound chain, the mixing process, tape accompaniments, audio problems and trouble shooting. The course includes hands- on experience. (e1•en years) CHMU-209 Hymn Playing 1-W 1 hour Group instruction in essential hymn playing and accompanying skills including congregational-style improvisation, accompanying from the hymnal, sight reading and transposition. CHMU-210 Hymn Playing II-Sp 2 hours In a seminar for advanced keyboard musicians, there will be student demonstra– tions and analysis of individual hymn-playing styles. Subsequent sessions will deal with a wide range of topics which include hymnals, hymn-arranging advanced modu– lation and transposition techniques and philosophies of keyboard worship. Prerequi– site: Hymn Playing I or Diagnostic Test-out. CHMU-250 Hymnology-W 3 hours An historical survey of Christian hymnody; consideration of criteria! for judging texts and tunes with an emphasis upon their practical use in the worship service. (even years)