1988-1989 Academic Catalog
CHMU-253 Song Leading-Sp 2 hours A course presenting an evaluation of Protestant church music, duties of and requirements for a song leader and experience in hymn conducting. Recommended for all future pastors and church workers. (odd years) CHMU-350 History and Administration of Church Music-W 5 hours A survey of the history of church music together with various methods of organiz– ing and administering the total church music program of the church. Content of the course centers around a Biblical foundation for church music. (odd years) CHMU-353 Music Methods and Material for Children and Youth-Sp 3 hours This course presents a rationale and plan for the establishment of the graded music program in the local church, particularly the graded choir program with special attention given to methods and materials used in the organization and maintenance of the groups which comprise this ministry. Field experience is a part of this class. Prerequisite: CHMU-350 History and Administration of Church Music. (odd years) CHMU-410 Independent Study in Church Music-A, W,Sp,Su 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of the church music ministry for students who demonstrate special interest and ability. CONDUCTING CDMU-260 Conducting I-A 3 hours The basic technique of the baton; fundamentals of score reading; conducting patterns applied to elements of interpretation, tone, balance, and diction. Prerequi– site: Satisfactory performance on music placement abstract or THMU-10 I Theory I. CDMU-362 Conducting 11-W 3 hours Development of ability to interpret the larger forms of instrumental literature and to read from full score. Laboratory experience in conducting college ensembles. For majors only. Prerequisite: CDMU-260 Conducting I. CDMU-363 Conducting Ill-Sp 3 hours Development of ability to interpret the larger forms of choral literature and to read from full score. Laboratory experience in conducting college ensembles. For majors only. Prerequisite: CDMU-260 Conducting I. CDMU-365 Choral Repertoire and Practicum-W 3 hours A reading laboratory for the purpose of surveying and evaluating choral literature for use in the church. The course includes practical conducting experience with the Campus Fellowship Choir or an equivalent choral group. CDMU-410 Independent Study in Conducting-A, W, Sp 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of conducting for individual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. HISTORY AND LITERATURE HLMU-331 Music History I-Medieval and Renaissance-A 4 hours A study of the music of western civilization traced from its primitive sources with special attention given to medieval and Renaissance music, the beginnings of opera, and the early works of Monteverdi and Schuetz. HLMU-332 Music History II-Baroque and Classical-W 4 hours A study of the music of western civilization traced from 1580 through the early works of Beethoven with special attention given to the major musical forms in vocal Music 129 and instrumental music as demonstrated in the works of Monteverdi, Schuetz, Lully, Corelli, Vivaldi, Rameau, J.S. Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, and Mozart. HLMU-333 Music History III-Romantic and Modern-Sp 4 hours A survey of orchestral music from the classical period to the present. Prerequisite: THMU-311 Form and Analysis or permission of the instructor. (odd years) HLMU-335 Symphonic Literature-W 4 hours A survey of orchestral music from the classical period to the present. Prerequisite: THMU-311 Form and Analysis or permission of the instructor. (odd years) HLMU-410 Independent Study in Music History-A, W. Sp, Su 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of music history for individ– ual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. MUSIC EDUCATION EDMU-187 High Brass Methods-A 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques of trumpet and French horn. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-188 Low Brass Methods-A 2 hours Historical backround, pedagogical and performance techniques of trombone, bari- tone, and tuba. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-190 Guitar Methods-W 2 hours A study of the historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques of the guitar. Required of Music Education majors pursuing the Choral Track. Open to other students by permission of the instructor. EDMU-191 Woodwind Methods (Single Reed)-W 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques of clarinet, saxo- phone, and flute. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-192 Woodwind Methods (Double Reed)-W 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques of oboe and bassoon. (even years) EDMU-193 High String Methods-Sp 2 hours Concentration on violin and viola performance techniques including both tradi- tional and Suzuki methods. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-194 Low String Methods-Sp 2 hours Concentration on the methods and techniques used in playing the cello and string bass. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-195 Percussion Methods-A 2 hours Concentration in snare drum techniques and an introduction to tympani and tuned percussion methods. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-273 Wind and Percussion Methods-Sp 3 hours An overview of the history, pedagogy, and performance techniques of all band instruments. This course is required for the vocal major pursuing secondary music education or the BME degree and is open to others by permission of the instructor. EDMU-370 Music for Elementary Teachers-A, W. Sp 4 hours Music literature and teaching aids for children, including basic music theory, development of skills on keyboard and classroom instruments and voice; music in the curriculum; teaching musical concepts. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $15)
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