1988-1989 Academic Catalog
138 Psychology Biofeedback equipment, used here by Charles Dolph, provides students with experi– ence using some ofthe latest equipment used in physiological psychology. Purpose The Department of Psychology seeks: 1. To develop understanding of Biblical content which has psychological impact and to investigate all psychological concepts in the light of Scriptural truth. 2. To provide an analysis of the person from the physical, emotional, rational, and spiritual levels. 3. To aid students in their personal adjustment to everyday life through an understanding of human behavior. 4. To provide courses in psychology necessary for teacher certification. 5. To prepare students to be a "generalist" or a middle-level professional person who will work directly with people in out-patient or in-patient settings. Career opportunities are beginning to open up for college graduates who have majored in psychology. Often the student will have to "search out" the job opportunities, but they are becoming more available. Opportunities can be found in state hospi– tals and mental health centers, state institutions for the retarded and county programs for the retarded, community health and social agencies, geriatric facilities, and in certain correctional and rehabilitation centers. 6. To prepare students for graduate study in psychology and related areas. "Cedarville prepared me wellfor graduate school. Out ofa class of nearly one hundred, I felt I was the mast prepared. Cedarville helped make my graduate work easy. I was also able ta integrate Biblical truth into my studies, even at a state university. I use the principles I learned at Cedarville every day as I counsel people. The College has prepared me well ta succeed in my career and to live as a Christian in the world." A 1984 psychology graduate, Marcia Wiinamaki earned a masters from Southwest Texas State University. She now works as a counselor at the Minirth and Meier Clinic in Austin, Texas.
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