1988-1989 Academic Catalog

156 Social Sciences and History Popular /eclllrer and advisor to pre/aw students, Joseph Halsey teaches courses in nnlitirnl sriPnce and international relations. Purpose The curriculum of the Department of Social Sciences and His– tory is composed of history, sociology, geography, political sci– ence, public administration, and urban studies. This department seeks to: l. Present to the student the origin and development of ideas and institutions. 2. Aid the student in gaining a better understanding of the world which would include an historical perspective, spatial awareness, comprehension of political systems, the knowl– edge of man in a socio-cultural context, and the study of the nature of an increasingly urban society. 3. Provide the student with the prerequisites for responsible civic participation. 4. Expose the student to the complexities of the public sector in modern life and the possibilities of careers in local, state, and national government. 5. Acquaint the student with a practical appreciation of the methods and tools of original research. 6. Provide the student with an opportunity to formulate and express the results of investigation and study. 7. Aid the student in developing a Christian world-and-life view through the integration of Biblical principles with the subject matter of the academic disciplines. "Cedarville's professors prepared me well for what I'm experiencing now in law school and provided a basis for dealing with issues facing a practicing attorney. They not only taught facts, but also trained me to think, analyze, and integrate new information with God's truth." Nancy Hanna, a 1988 pre/aw graduate, currently studies at the University of Illinois Law School.