1988-1989 Academic Catalog
168 Social Sciences and History HIST-300 Introduction to Historiography-W,Sp 4 hours An introduction to the history of historical writing, methods of research, and the philosophy of history. Required of history majors and minors. Should be taken in the junior year. HIS~-201,202,203 Histor}'. of Civilization-A, W,Sp 4 honrs each quarter This survey of human history begins at the advent of civilized life in the ancient Near. East and .continues into the twentieth century. It presents the religious, social, pohllcal, and mtellectual development of mankind from a Christian interpretive point of view. The three quarters may be taken in any sequence. HIST-301 Renaissance Europe-Sp 4 hours A study of the cultural and intellectual movements of Italy and Northern Europe in the period 1300-1600. Emphasis is given to noted artists and scholars and their contribution to the modern world-and-life view. (Alternate years) HIST-302 Reformation Europe-Sp 5 hours A concentrated investigation of the birth and early growth of Protestantism within the political context of Europe in the period 1500-1650. The role of the major reformers and their contributions to the development of the Christian faith are emphasized. HIST-311 Early American History-A 5 honrs An analysis of the development of American civilization from colonization to 1820. Political, religious, social, economic, and cultural institutions will be examined. Prerequisite: HIST-111 United States History or permission of instructor. . (Alternate years) HIST-312 History of Recent and Contemporary America- W 4 hours An intensive study of the domestic and foreign policies of the United States in the twentieth century. Particular emphasis is given to the emergence of the nation as a world power, the progressive movement, World War I, prosperity decade, the great depress10n, the New Deal, World War II, and post-war problems. Prerequisite: HIST-112 United States History or permission of instructor. (Alternate years) HIST-400 and HIST-401 Research in History 5 hours HIST-400 Research in American History-Sp HIST-401 Research in European History-Su All majors are required to take either HIST-400 or HIST-401. Each student will prepare a formal monograph. Prerequisite: Major or minor in history. HIST-404 History of Christianity: Pre-reformation-A 4 hours A survey of ancient and medieval church history, with emphasis given to doctrinal and institutional developments. HIST-405 Great Power Diplomacy in the Modern World-W 4 hours An examination of international relations in the era of nationalism colonialism revolution, and ideological conflict. Emphasis is given to the origins 'and develop'. ment ofcontemporary world crises. (Serves as an elective for history/political science majors) (Alternate years) HIST-411 Interpretations in American History-A 5 hours A study of selected historical problems in America. History with the emphasis placed upon new interpretations and their impact. POLITICAL SCIENCE POLS-160 Introduction to Political Science-A 4 hours Focus on the nature, significance, and function of politics and political systems· why people engage in politics, what people in politics do, and the relationship between the individual and the political system. POLS-161 Introduction to Public Administration-A 4 hours . An introduct!on. to public administration both as a discipline and profession mcludmg orgamzatlon theory, budgeting, public policy analysis and evaluation and public sector administration. ' POLS-166 Christian Social and Political Responsibility-Sp 4 hours An examination of the social and political thinking activities of a broad spectrum of groups within contemporary Christendom. The course is designed to help Chris– llan laymen be prepared for social and political involvement. POLS-260 Methods of Research in Political Science-Sp 5 hours A study of the scope and methods of field research, questionnaire design, and the sc1enhfic method applied to political phenomena. POLS-261 American National Government-A 5 hours An introductory study of the development and structure of the Constitution and the operation of our national political institutions. POLS-262 American State and Local Government-W 5 hours The organization and function of states and their political subdivisions form the basis of study in this course. POLS-264 Problems in American Politics-W 5 hours An analysis of key issues affecting various levels of government such as abortion social welfare, terrorism, and nuclear war. ' POLS-266 International Relations-Sp 5 hours .A .survey of wntemporary worl~ affairs in relationship to the struggle for power w1thm the nallon-state system. D1v1s1ve and cohesive factors among nations are stressed. POLS-267 Campaign Politics-A 3 hours A study of and practical experience in the art of politics via campaign work strategies and techniques, opinion polls, and fund-raising. (Alternate years} POLS-336 The Judicial Process-Sp 3 hours A study of the American judicial system, its development, contemporary charac– ter, and the effect of the legal system on the American citizen. Actual observations of judicial process are included. POLS-361 The American Presidency-W 4 hours An overview of the office of the American president, the various responsibilities which he holds, the contrasting theories held in regard to the execution of his office and a consideration of the increasingly important influence his actions have upon th~ nation and the rest of the world. POLS-362 The Supreme Court-W 4 hours An introductory course to the United States Supreme Court as an institution of lasting permanence within the American governmental structure.
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