1988-1989 Academic Catalog

54 Biblical Education Greek students enjoy the enthusiasm for the language and for teaching conveyed by Richard Durham, a 1•eteran missionary educator and professor of Bible and Greek. Purpose The Biblical Education Department seeks to: 1. Provide a Biblical foundation for a liberal arts education by presenting the great truths of the Scripture through correct principles of interpretation and proper application. 2. Equip students to be effective witnesses for Christ in whatever careers they pursue. 3. Lay a good foundation for students called of God into full– time, vocational Christian ministries. "Having been saved later in life. I savored the training I received from my Bible professors. They provided a solid foundation academically, and more importantly, also demonstrated personal integrity and lifestyles which pro– vided me with examples/or my own life. Their teaching went beyond classroom instruction. They were very willing to offer counsel and to discuss Biblical issues and opportunities for ministry. I felt that they were genuinely interested in my life as well as the lives of my family." A 1983 comprehensive Bible graduate, Fred Hand pastors the Calvary Baptist Church in Lancaster, Ohio.